Bull Shoals Ar.

  • saguarokid
    Waterloo, Ia
    Posts: 84

    Just wondering how everyone would rank Bull Shoals for walleye? I’ve been massaging the idea around for awhile but you don’t hear much about it? Anyone been there?


    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1451

    If you go and want a guide, get ahold of Fred Rich. He is the best multi-species guide on the lake. We were too early to get into them when we were down the last 2 years, but the crappies more than made up for it.

    johnnie candle
    Devils Lake, ND
    Posts: 28

    I fished both of the PWT events there and enjoyed my time spent on BS. If you do everything right, the fishing can be very good. However, if you are off your A game, you will struggle.

    A good day there would be ten fish of keeper size (18 inches or larger) and a bad day woule be the ole goose egg. I have had a few of each in the 20 days I have fished there.

    I would say head to BS if you are looking for something different and challenging. The folks ther are awesome and the scenery is incredible. The multi species fishing is very good as well. If you want to catch 50 eyes a day, there are better places to go.

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