Beginner needs help

  • mikee
    Aitkin, MN
    Posts: 55

    I have a few lakes in the area that have muskie. I would like to start fishing them and have no idea how to get started. I was thinking of trolling as an option. Is that a good idea? What should I be using for bait if I troll, how deep, etc. One of the lakes has a few islands and some very deep holes. Any help would be appreciated. This is the year to catch my first ‘ski!!!

    Posts: 928

    I don’t musky fish so can’t give you advice on how to do it. What I can tell you is to see if you can get out with someone who does and can show you a few techniques. If you can’t find anyone that will share a boat with you then think about hiring a guide for a trip. Going out with someone on a new body of water or to learn to fish for a new species will up your curve 1000% in a hurry.

    Posts: 196

    im just getting back into muskie fishing!!! but what i look for right now is underwater points that come up pretty shallow with weeds on them. stay on the edge and cast up into the weeds and work it down the side of the point. also look for large weed beds…. was on a local lake yesterday and fished many spots but only 1 produced. i landed a 32 lost a mid 40’s tiger had 3 other follows and my friends dad in another boat landed a 39 all from a underwater point with weeds. also trolling over deep water will pay off occasionaly! for lures throw anything u have confidence in.. all fish yesterday cam on bucktails!

    Posts: 1899

    Trolling is usually something you try after you get tired from casting. If you start out casting, you can hit your high percentage spots first. You can also see follows and read how they fish are reacting when you cast.

    Trolling covers a lot of water, but is generally used when the high percentage spots aren’t paying off. Guys have caught skis 20′ down over 90′ of water.

    I’d highly suggest that you start out casting in spots that are also high percentage bass spots. Weed edges and points are high percentage spots.

    If you can find them, random holes in weed beds are money spots.

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