Mock Scrape???

  • garyd1
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 44

    Was going to try and put a line of mock scrapes in this year. When do you guys start making them? I read that you should do it before they do. But dont want to be way to early. Any help with tips and tricks would be awesome.

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    here in iowa we can’t hunt until October 1st and they will hit mock scrapes right away just seems its always at night. I think I even got some pics from September of bucks at scrapes I made.

    Posts: 35

    I am going to try a few mock scrapes at a few of my hunting locations this year as well. I am going to try to start them this week. I have read that that find a good licking branch and putting some pre orbital scent on the branch will then entice the bucks to make a “natural scrape” in that area. I will be interested to see how it works. Report back with your findings!

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    we start treating our licking branches in August, I also spray roundup under them at the same time. most will be active scrapes by mid to late october

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