Weekend hunt!

  • buckmaster
    Posts: 776

    Since crow hunting in WI opened back up on the 18th of Jan. and the fishing in my area is a bit slow I thought I would do a little something different for a change.

    I was out Sat. 1/22 for a couple hours right at the first crack of sunlight or should I say snowlight. With the winds blowing 20-25 mph and the snow falling fast I decided to set-up on the edge of a field with a feeding type decoy spread (six decoys). I guess it would of been more of a gathering set-up since we recieved 8″ of snow the night before, but either way I was ready to go. This sport is a lot like waterfowl hunting and I think that is why I am really getting into it more and more. I drive by this place on my way to work everyday, so I knew the birds atleast flew this area. As I was getting my caller set-up (with my back to the decoys) I was soon greeted with a loud caaawww-caaawwww and quick to turn around to see what the chatter was all about and there was a crow hanging in the wind about 15 yard up right over the decoys. I grabbed my gun only to fire 3 times and watch it fly away. I got the caller set-up and put in the decoy only to find out that after 10 min. of calling the battery went dead….Stuck it out without a call for 1.5 hours longer to shoot a total of 12 times and get 1 bird. Must of been seeing double still from the night before or something. I should of easly had 3 if not 4 for sure. Boy, with your back to a tree and woods behind you it doesn’t take long for them to sneak up behind ya. I think I am starting to get them figured out on some of there patterns, but I am sure there is plenty of ways out there.

    Any advice would be great as I can give some if needed on what I think works.

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