Fishing the marina’s…

  • Osprey
    Posts: 31

    Anyone out there have any opinions/guidelines on “special boundaries/courtesies” (or etiquette) fisherman should follow while fishing in the marina’s?

    By “special” I mean beyond the normal courtesy and respect we practice around private docks, boats and boaters along the river.

    Hastings, MN Lake Isabel activist
    Posts: 1345

    I don’t worry to much about it much. Common courtesy is all I observe. You will always have those who think they control all the water around them. Kings cove is a prime example of it. they get very upset if you go in there fishing. Or hunting (legally that is). I guess if you are bouncing lures off of thier boats they have a legitamate complaint.
    My 2 cents

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11301

    Great points Clarence. I just wish most people would practice common courtesy.

    I have a couple to add.

    Just give people who are trying to get in and out the above and beyond right-of-way. They shouldn’t have to wait for you to get out of the way.

    i wouldn’t spend all day in there either.

    Other than that, the waters here in these United States are here for everyone to enjoy

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