Hot Bite!!!

  • has
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 397

    Head out last night from 4-7pm. Trolled from Hudson to Afton with great sucess at all the spot i tried. These fish are very agressive and it seems to work much better if you pick up the speed alittle, i was trolling anywere from 2.8-3.8 mph. I was running #5 blue shadraps and #5 chart shadraps with a 3oz snap weight on the front rods and Deep lil rippers on the back rods, in the silver bullet and copperhead colors.
    Magic depth was 16-23ft. All in all, we boated over 35 walleyes/saugers and a few mixed in silvers and a couple big smallies as well. Fun night. Fishing is only gonna get better. Hard to believe. So head out. And fish on.

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