Channels on Bullheads?

  • andyb
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 139

    Just wondering if any of you guys get a lot of channel cats pickin on ur bullheads? Was out on pool 4 the other night and was having this problem and loosing some of my bait. They even picked off one of my 6 inch bullies. Gar coulda been snatching a couple but I know how a cat bites vs. gar. Never had this problem before, are there any solutions?

    Posts: 1767

    Sounds like a big mean channel. Channels with harass and beat up bait when they are in the mood. Its usually the reason guys fish with bullies to avoid the channels pickin on the bait.
    Not much you can do but use a 7 inch and see what happens.
    Or down grade and catch the channels in the area. Usually if there are big flats roaming you wont see smaller fish in the area.
    Wish I could be more help.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Larry pretty much nailed it there.. when channels are aggressive, they will smack just about anything we are putting down there or bait. It seems they tend to hit the smaller bullheads more often, but they will take anything available at times.

    I have caught flatheads before that did considerable damage to the bullheads. Flatheads can bite pretty darn hard when they get bigger, but nothing compared to a big channel cat.

    Its only opinion, but I do believe that a person can often tell what type of cat crushed the bait. Often there is a single crush wound on the body. Flatheads have a much wider jaw than channel cats, a narrow impression to me suggest channel, a wide impression(more than 1″) suggest a flathead. Flatheads teeth are much more coarse than channel cats also. Flathead teeth are similar to very coarse 36 grit sandpaper and can rip flesh pretty good, channel cats tend to rip the flesh more by pressure and it will often result in a clean looking tear at the edge of the bite depression.

    Did any of that make any sense?

    Posts: 159


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