Bored? Go to Florida…

  • rgeister
    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    Well…I don’t know about you, but after watching 13 inches of snow fall, then shoveling out, my mind begins to wander to warm thoughts and flipping a jig to a nice piece of wood…

    Well, recently I was visiting Florida with my family to see family in St Augustine Florida and decided to drive a bit to see some of the inland waters of Florida that most locals ignore for off-shore fishing… My adventure took us to Ocala National Park where we visited some beautiful vistas and scenery, and wandered to a boat launch. My wife wondered what my obsession to see water was… I stipulated that I simply wanted to show my sons a Manatee that swims in one of these crystal clear springs that are ~72 degrees year round… The thought of a seeing a Manatee was interesting enough for her to capitulate, albeit she knew I was hoping to see a 12 pound bass being weighed in…

    After a long drive and reading the “Beware of Alligator” warning signs, we walked out on the dock of the launch at Juniper Springs, Ocala National Park.

    What I saw was beautiful…the pictures cannot do justice, but the water is about 6 feet deep… yes, that bass is at about 6 feet at the end of the launch pier. Fish were everywhere, and the water was clearer than the air, or so it seemed. A couple Ranger’s made me long for mine and a flippin’ stick.

    Amazing trip…sure wish I would have driven, could have brought more gear!

    As it was, we spent a few days building sand castles in above average temperature of 85 degrees and looking out over the Atlantic Ocean. My first trip to that area of Florida…It was gorgeous.\ and recommended to all… especially for us northern dwellers in the middle of winter.

    I only suggest you take time to make a cast!


    PS. I hope this provides something of interest to readers…I know I enjoy surfing this site year round… just too little traffic in the winter. Post your stories, I’d love to hear them!

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