Weather Patterns

  • rgeister
    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    Everything has been moving faster and ahead of schedule this year… trees, plants, flowers, birds, and fish. One woudl argue that 2006 was setting up to be one of the best year classes of fish. SPecifially, with water temps in areas in the lower 60’s and warm days and cool nights, not to high a water, etc… one would think with the full moon this Saturday that fish (Largemouth in particular) would be doing their thing here in the next couple days… Enter the COOL days, the COLD nights, the WIND, and the RAIN, and temps will likely drop to mid 50’s fairly quickly, especially shallow.

    Will the instinct to spawn near a full moon force a spawn anyway with high mortality amongst the eggs/fry?
    Will the “hurry up” spring with the now cold mean bad news for this years fish class?
    Will the spawn still happen?
    Will the cold delay the spawn?

    What are your thoughts on this subject?

    Posts: 354

    My thinking is…… if the water temps dip down below the desired level, the spawn will be put on hold until it stabalizes again. Fish aren’t like humans, they don’t have to “do it” after a certain gestation time. They get to wait for the perfect conditions!

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