Au sable River Winter Steelhead Fishing

  • #2008130

    Hey everyone,

    I am going to Oscoda Michigan in a week for some winter Au sable river Steelhead and maybe some Atlantic salmon. Do any of you have any tips for winter Steelhead fishing? I attempted to Steelhead fishing in November and had no luck with the Steelhead, but did get a nice Atlantic Salmon. I caught it on a Mepps Aglia #4 spinner. The salmon was about 7 pounds. So, I was thinking I might try some spawn-sacks under a float and some spinners. If I don’t get any luck on the Steelhead, I will just try ice fishing. Some tips would be greatly appreciated for Steelhead fishing. Thanks!


    Caught a nice steelhead trout while still in Oscoda Mi. Caught it under a bridge in the Au sable river.

    1. IMG_2580.jpg

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