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  • Dan Fall
    Posts: 6

    What do you mean by broken? How does that affect its function?

    What kind of money do you want for them? I’d like a couple new ones just for improved comfort. Where u located?

    Dan Fall
    Posts: 6

    88 Lund Predator with a 2004 50hp Merc 4 stroke and a Yamaha 2.5 kicker. It needs paint, so I won’t do pictures, but I am pleased to report ZERO leaks and a lot of hard use! Not bad for a 28 year old boat. The floor is getting close to time for a redo with 2 smaller soft spots.

    Does anyone have a Lund without carpet in the bottom? Like or not?

    Dan Fall
    Posts: 6

    I find on big water it is very tempting to start fishing before you are marking really well. I have a buddy who must have his line in the water ASAP and I have gone for hours at 5 mph running a shoreline or 6 before marking enough fish to bother with. This can be trouble if the fish are shallow or holding bottom hard, but in general with two boats, one should be looking and one should be fishing the looks. I can recall cruising for marks on Mille Lacs one year and coming over the top of log city on my depth finder. We caught 10 big fish before the posse found us and my buddy was peeing seated waving at the girls in the boat next to us (he refused to let me drive off). Another time I was cruising out to the main lake through a 6 mile long side lake and about 1/4 mile before the main lake I started marking fish for about 1/8 of a mile nonstop. I turned around and dropped lines and caught about 100 lake trout in 3 hours (2 of us).

    I got my … handed to me this year. I won’t say where, but I fished 4 hours Sat, 8 Sun, 8 Mon, 8 Tue, 8 Wed and caught 4 walleyes. Different approaches different areas. Even marked fish. On Thursday I did not fish – too poed. Friday morning I went to get some bait and the kid at the bait tank says, I suppose you used all your bait up on that hot bite yesterday. He proceeded to tell me the fish were nonstop for them on Thursday and Thursday nite storms came through. I caught 3 fish all day Friday. Point I’m trying to make is fish can go for days neutral or off, then kapow!! It was my worst week of fishing in history. Sometimes the best thing to do is go cast for northerns when things are bad.

    U gotta find em
    U gotta fish em
    They gotta wanna eat and it can’t coincide with your buddies bar run.

    Dan Fall
    Posts: 6

    Thanks Randy – I mostly fish the north shore of Superior, does that change your numbers at all?

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