Pool 4 Fishing Report

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18924

    Following my last report posted on the home page the fish went and made me a liar.

    Best bite yesterday went from 2PM – 5 PM and the fish were VERY aggressive. No need to get up before the sun I guess. Good numbers and nice size fish. Everything on crawlers. Either something clicked and the fish just went back on the feed or the intense traffic from the holiday weekend was enough to really slow up the fishing this past Saturday and Sunday. 13′ deep was the ‘magic’ depth for us yesterday and slowly dragging rigs worked well.

    Go fish!

    James Holst

    Moving Waters Guide Service


    SE MN
    Posts: 519

    Tha’ts why walleye fishing is so much fun for this guy, constant changes!

    Thanks for the info James!!!!

    Jim W

    Posts: 52

    Thanks for the info. James…. We were out on the weekend and it was pretty slow… Hopefully things will be picking up now that fall is on the way…

    – RigMan

    Live in Rochester Mn.
    Posts: 117

    Sounds like good o’l fall is getting closer as the fish are starting to get hungry for OUR baits again hey. Great! Been seeing tons of small minnows so the fish have had lots to eat the past few weeks but maybe the suuply is wearing down.How about the rest of you? Still seeing alot of bait fish?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18924

    The fishing was good prior to the weekend and, at least for now, the bite has improved again. Maybe it was all the boats… full moon…. what I had for breakfast…. who knows. There’s still minnows everywhere! Take a quick run down the WI channel and stop anywhere near deeper water and just float for awhile. It looks like shad soup back there! There’s still a ton of food and that will be the case for some time yet.

    James Holst

    Moving Waters Guide Service


    Live in Rochester Mn.
    Posts: 117

    Thanks James. Has the water come up any or is it still pretty low? Bill

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18924

    The river is up from a couple days ago… but only a couple tenths of an inch! Fill ‘yer livewell and drive off without draining it back into the river and we’ll be break even…LOL

    Beware the back channel north of the power lines.

    James Holst

    Moving Waters Guide Service


    Live in Rochester Mn.
    Posts: 117

    Maybe we should fill our live wells before we leave for the river tomorrow and then drain it when we get on the water. Might raise it another tenth of an inch hey!. Thanks, Bill and Nate

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18924

    I’m holding out hopes that this rain will amount to something. Something like 2 inches in the Twin Cities to be exact. I gave up running the WI channel about a week ago after my last attempt saw me moving a ton of mud near power lines. I made it through but I could feel the skeg dragging… and that ain’t good.

    James Holst

    Moving Waters Guide Service


    Posts: 79

    Bill-Nate Dump your livewell above the dam we need a big surge!! LOL

    Posts: 52

    I know the feeling too well unfortunately… I did the same last weekend, even had to get out once to pull the boat deeper…. Very shallow in the channel, doesn’t seem to be much of any current either.. Still a lot of people fishing it though? As for the baitfish in the shallows…. I’ve noticed it also, too much food available… There should be some fat eyes come fall though…

    – RigMan

    [email protected]

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1370

    Hey James,I haven’t been back that way since the get-together but it sounds like things are improving. Is the bite in the river or on the lake???

    I may get the chance to give it a try tomorrow. Would it be better above Red Wing or below. We won’t hit the backchannel as the last time we ended up changing the prop. Props and lower units just don’t give much in reverse. Good luck this weekend everyone.

    North Dakota
    Posts: 48

    James! Are they going today….have we turned the corner….can I excersize my skuning demon….can I stop following you around on the river….I dont want to resort to eating Sheepies with StillaKid!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    Grow some nards my good friend! I’m telling you, if you haven’t tried it, you’re in the dark. I’ll tell you that it’s not my new favorite flavor, but it’s good enough that I’d never turn it away either. It’s not an acquired taste like salmon, trout, or that morning cup/pot of coffee……………it’s much better and doesn’t bite you back! So why not have a few from time to time? For me, and maybe it was just the extremely quick and easy recipe, I’d say that it’d be just as easy to enjoy a meal of drum as it is walleye, perch, crappie, sunfish, or pike. Do they all taste the same? No, they don’t. So try it. It’s not resorting to anything, it’s just trying something new and “different”.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    2:26? PUP? hmmmm serious night (h)owl… or an oily riser?………

    or cuz of all dat sheepy…..

    no get any sleepy?

    it cant make you any more creepy….

    all I can say is tee hee!!


    ok…. so its really late.. and Im still up…. gotta work sometime!! and my hours can be a bit weird…. those mainframe maint windows can really suck sometimes…..

    probably explains why Im goofy!……

    cuz its not cuz Ive been munching sheepers….. want some dip with those? course that would be “sheep dip”……


    wishin I was fishin…… *sigh*

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Doesn’t matter what y’all say, my mom still says I’m cool! LOL!

    Weird hours? I can relate to that well. I just wish I could get more of that “beauty sleep”. Judging that face o’ yours, you’re missing too much of it as well! LOL! How’s that for a hug???

    Sorry ’bout the banter, just couldn’t resist the “gimme smack door” that was swinging in the breeze here!

    Live in Rochester Mn.
    Posts: 117

    Hey Randy, we did and thats why the river was up 4″ Sat. , Bill and Nate

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251


    Do you know what the surface temp was running. Fishing has still been very slow down here in Illinois, but water temps where still in the mid 70’s last time I was out. I am trying to determine at what temp the fall feed begins. Is it temp related or sun light duration that triggers the fall binge? I can’t wait! Gotta taste walleye soon or wife will sell my boat while I’m at work!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18924


    The surface water temps have been running from 70 -73 degrees depending on the time of day. We’re no where near the start of the fantastic fall bite yet in my opinion. I usually look for that to start middle of October. Mid to late September is my least favorite time to be fishing pool 4. A guy can still whack some nice fish one day but the next their lip-locked or gone. Very inconsistent fishing to make a short point.

    Still beats working!

    James Holst

    Moving Waters Guide Service


    Posts: 1

    I’m new to river fishing, and would like to start doing more of it. How can I find out where the different pools are, so I can related to your fishing reports?

    Keep up the good work!!


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