Vermilion Muskie Trip

  • Tyler Schlabsz
    Posts: 8

    Heading up September 9th for the weekend staying on the east end and going for Muskies.. Anyone have reports everything I’ve found is vague.. I know to fish rocks, rocks and more rocks but anyone have any idea what works well this time of year when the water just starts to cool down.

    Allan Davis
    Carlton, MN
    Posts: 415

    I am heading up on sunday again I can let you know whats up. Cranks and rubber are very good. Something that gets over looked this time of the year is walk the dog top water like weegles. You can also troll or jig deep structure or open flats. Dont be afraid to try some weeds either if you aren’t seeing what you want. You can also still fish blades but you don’t want to burn them slow them down a little. Once it gets more into fall don’t be afraid to throw BIG baits. Good luck and look for an update sunday night or monday morning.

    Allan Davis
    Carlton, MN
    Posts: 415

    Well I am not going to Vermilion I will be going to leach instead. I had a friend up there on Friday and he said that they got 3.5 inches of rain on Monday so it was very muddy water and the water level was still low. They rose only two fish one at sunrise and one at sunset. Also they said that there were ciscos floating so due to the dirty water the oxygen levels are changing and in turn the ciscos are easy meals for musky. They said that there was a lot of walleye guys having good luck in 6-10 feet. If you are dead set on fishing muskies focus on deep water I would try and troll fairly slow over deep water or cast the structure near deep water. Hope conditions change for the better when you go up. Good luck.

    rochester, mn
    Posts: 325

    Are you talking about the conditions on Vermilion?? I’ve been here for a few days and I’ve seen no sign of any that. The water has been a bit tea colored all year. Fished muskys for 3 hours this morning. Moved a fish on every spot we fished. Had an upper 40s fish on that got off. Think outside the box a bit. Everyone and their grandma throws big blades and big prop baits…pounders. Toss something different.

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