Franchi Falconet? What to look for in a used O/U

  • whittsend
    Posts: 2389

    I found a Franchi Falconet O/U for sale at a local place. Felt great in the hands, very light, came up perfectly. Thought it would make a great grouse/woodcock gun. Am thinking about trading a Browning A-bolt 30-06 (in very good condition) for it…

    I’m unsure of the year on the Falconet (haven’t tried to find the year yet, although I know its stamped on the gun). I think it is a 3″ chamber, which I believe indicates that it is a year 2000 or newer gun. (from the information that I’ve found online, anyway) The stock is a little beat up, but it seems to break easy and lock tight, as far as I can tell.

    Anyone know much about the Falconet? Franchi in general? I have little use anymore for the A-Bolt, but it might be nice to have another O/U.

    Also, in general, when looking at used O/U, what type of flaws or wear and tear should I be looking for? I’d hate to trade a nice new rifle for a gun that doesn’t function… However, so long as it functions properly, all of the wear and “character” on the stock doesn’t bother me one bit.

    Posts: 731

    More info is required.

    I’m not looking any of this up, but from memory the Falconet has been made since the mid to late 60s and I believe it was first imported to the US in the late 60s or early 70s. The Falconet is in current production, but now it’s branded as the “Instinct” in the US market. I’m not sure when this rebranding happened or if any grades are currently being imported by US distributors as the Falconet.

    I also would need to know what grade? The Falconet has been made in (again, I’m guesstimating and going from memory here) about a dozen different configurations and grades. Probably more if you go to European market models and way back to the beginning of the line. Bottom line is that there are wide price variations depending on grade.

    Also, what gauge? 20s seem to sometimes go for more money. Or is it something wacky like a 28 or for all I know there could be a 16 out there??? Which would be really wild and could significantly alter the price.

    Nice shotguns, BTW. Nothing wrong with them at all.

    All the usual cautions with doubles apply. Does it lock up tight with no play? You have to be wary of any signs that it’s been shot out. How does the bore look? Any oil incursion in the stock, etc?


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