Cannon Lake on the Cannon River Chain

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Date Location Water Temp Stage Flow Technique

    5/11/2002 Cannon River 50 3-ways & bait

    Opening day on Cannon Lake of the Cannon River Chain was wet, cold and windy. Got on the water at 8:30 drove out to the lake and drove around checking things out and looking for a new internet friend but didn’t find him.

    Started fishing a flat with 3-way and crawler. Weather was cloudy, cold, rainy and very windy. Sounds like a Minnesota Opener doesn’t it? lol No luck there so drove over to a nice rock bar and trolled that area with nothing happening either. There were about 20 boats out on the lake / river when I got on the lake and by 10:00 only about 5 left. Wind was kicking up pretty good. Went over to the outlet and trolled the rock shoreline and still nothing. With the waves rolling in on that area you would think that area would produce but still no luck. Water was “very” clear which was surprising for a river/lake combo.

    By 11:15 I was off the water due to the wind kicking up alot worse. Everyone I talked to had the same story, no fish. Lyle at Fairbault Bait and Tackle said the fish bite on Cannon was right after midnight [Sat. am] with a 6 3/4 lb. eye being the biggest one caught that he knew about. Clear water, nicer weather, darkness, less traffic, sometimes it would be nice if Lyle was wrong. LOL. But next time eyes look out. Hope you have a great weekend on the water and catch a few for me! Bill Cadwell

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