River fishing Kayak

  • Jon Burleson
    Posts: 2

    I’m looking for a kayak for river fishing(trout & bass). I won’t be using this kayak on lakes so Just checking to see if any of you have any recommendations. The river I’ll be fishing the most has good flow and some ripples and smaller rapids. I want a kayak that has really good stability for standing but also one I can maneuver well. Any recommendations?

    Posts: 1713

    You may want to join the kayak thread below. Some good info there. If ripple and rapids are few. I’d go pedal if you have a couple foot most of the time. In current you will be paddling more than fishing. If you are in less that 2′ a lot. I’d go paddle with a spike pole or two. Stability is kind of relative. If you watch kayak tournaments. Anglers walk end to end like they are in a bass boat. Although the boat will help help. The fins on my Outback hang like a keel when not pedaling. This make the boat bob up and down. More than rock side to side. I’ve had it it the gulf in some pretty big waves. And felt very comfortable. One other thing I’ve noticed. The Hobie fins don’t seem to startle fish like a paddle or a prop. I was in a clear lake this spring. Had fish swim close like they were curious. Prop kayaks can ventilate and cause disturbance in the water. Especially on shallow run. I bought my Hobie last January in peak Covid. Spent endless hours researching. Take advantage of a dealer that has ability to put some in the water for you.

    Posts: 1713

    See if I can load a couple pictures of mine. Before someone asks, why two paddles on a pedal kayak. All manufactures recommend a back up . If man can build it. It can break. It has a chain drive. Feels good to see it in the boat, a few miles out in the gulf. The short paddle is for minor correction. Rudder steering is great. But only with some forward movement. This was the initial setup. I’ve lighten it up since.

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    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    The kayak I’ve been using for my river floats is a Diablo Chupacabra. Wouldn’t be a great choice if I wanted to do a lot of upstream paddling. Works fine for downstream floats. The yak is short (10.5’) and wide (36”). Very comfortable to stand in.

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 149

    Check out Brooklyn Kayaks. I have the FK 285. Very stable and comfortable but a little heavy. Great for fishing and floating downstream.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    I noticed Jackson has a model designed for fly fishing called the Mayfly. May be of interest if you plan on any fly casting. That model should have a clean deck. The Diablos also have a pretty clean deck.

    Jon Burleson
    Posts: 2

    Thanks everyone I will look into the recommendations

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