
  • Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Any report on the local area? I have switched my attention to the big river. Thanks

    North Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 459

    Hey Don,
    Any ice on the bay behind the cemetary? If so,how thick? Thanks.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    I did not check the ice back there. The landings are open on the west side of the lake. The wind was doing a number on the ice on the main lake. I got out for awhile today.Fished mostly the mouth of the river with limited success. Don

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1370

    Hi Coot I was wondering the same thing and made a trip down there this weekend. The ice didn’t look good and like Don said the main lake is open and the wind seemed to be blowing into the bay. I didn’t even try to walk out there. I’ll bet by this weekend there will be folks on it. I was down by the landing but maybe by the little bridge (other in of the bay might be better) i’ll swing by there tomorrow and see if anyone is out there. Steve

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1370

    Hi again Dan. I made the trip down to the little bridge by the cemetary after working out and no one was fishing out there. Of course it was dark as dark can get but there were no lanterns going. I turned the car sideways in the road to get the headlights on the ice and it looks as if someone had been out on it. It looked like someone kind of slid their feet all the way out and they were wearing cleats or chains. It sure looks slick. I am back on overtime but may get a chance to hit it a little while one day this weekend. Hey Don can you cruise by there in the daylight and let us know whats up. Catch you all later. Steve

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    The past two nights were hard freezes. You guys should be able to fish it this weekend. Keep us posted, I will be on the river.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    The past two nights were hard freezes. You guys should be able to fish it this weekend. Keep us posted, I will be on the river.


    North Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 459

    Probably will be another week or so before I get on the ice. This weekend I have my daughter’s basketball tourney on Sat. in Chippewa & then it’s off to Rochester for my in-law’s fun-filled family Christmas . Will definitely keep my ears open, though, as to what sort of action is going on.

    West Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 17

    There have been people fishing by the cemetary since tuesday the 2nd. I haven’t heard of any reliable fishing reports, but Friday there were about 25 cars at the boat landing. I’m sure there were a few spooked fish in the waters below. I’m going to wait until this weekend to head out. I’m thinking I’ll go north of Hwy. 8, I don’t like to take my chances, especially on fresh ice. Good luck in any holes you may drill……

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Thanks for the info, let us know how you do further up nort. I am not fond of fishing in the crowds that amass on the bay.
    I am going to wait until the main lake is safe and pursue those jumbo perch.

    North Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 459

    I heard that somebody went through the ice on Menomin a while back. Any of you guys here about that, or know the story, or I am I just hearing rumors?

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1370

    Jackie read something in last Wed. Dunn county paper. I didn’t read it but maybe its on their webpaper. Steve

    West Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 17

    yeah, some fella fell through sunday the 30th. I guess he got out okay, no death. I heard a story that some guy took a canoe out there before the 30th and fished out of it atop of the ice as well. Menomonie received 10″ of snow, so i would be awfully leary when heading onto the ice. hopefully we get some good cold temps. there is alot of insulation atop of the ice now….

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