Newbie question…

  • Glenn
    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 113

    So I have just started hard water fishing this year. No problem with no snow on the ice, but now that we have a few inches…

    I have a Shappell DX3000. Do you guys clear the snow off the ice, or just se the shack up on top of the snow after drilling?

    Thanks for the info…


    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Personally, I set my shack up on the snow. If you clear off the ice, and then run your heater, it will make a really slippery floor inside your shack. I only use my shack as a warming house, unless it is REALLY COLD- so when I step in and out, it is nice to have the snow inside, to keep me from slipping.

    But the main reason, is light penetration- that is why I won’t move any snow…

    Ankeny, Iowa
    Posts: 121

    Luke, the type of house he uses has a floor (no light penetration or slippery ice). With that said, It would work best to scoop the snow away and use this to bank your house after you get your holes drilled.

    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 113

    CSP88 is right, it has a carpeted floor.

    Thanks for the info, guys!


    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    Ah- thanks guys…I don’t know anything about shappels…even further so, I have never owned anything but a flip house.

    But I would say leave the snow- and use snow around if for banking. If you leave the snow that is under the shack, it might help make the movement inside the shack quieter.

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