Post cold front ? for eyes

  • Paul Heise
    River Falls, Wi
    Posts: 723

    Do you guys change up your tactics in this kind of weather or stick to what worked prior (evening before) to the front. What kind of changes should I make? Running tip ups and jigging again tonight! Should I go shallower or deeper? Downsize or upsize baits? Thanks in advance

    Wright County Area
    Posts: 132

    I am assuming your fishing walleyes? I typically try what worked the night before for the first 20-30 minutes, as soon as I get that feeling that its not working- I switch it up and typcially downsize and slow down the presentation depending on what I am using.

    Jigging spoons- I start with the same size just jig slower and sometimes get rid of the rattle/buckshot. If that does not work then I go to a smaller spoon and eventually get rid of the jigging spoon all together even though it is hard for me to do. This tactic was very evident on Mille Lacs and LOTW in the last week with these cold fronts. We did our best the second day of the front with set jig lines and medium-smaller minnow. I am constantly switching until something works, some people give me a hard time about switching however, its all about eliminating whats not working. I must note that if you have “confidence” in a certain presentation or bait I stick with it longer as I feel that confidence in fishing is often overlooked and if you watch friends fish, their confidence level really affects their catch rate as they either fish hard or hardly fish etc.

    Good Luck fishin


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