hooby the keymaster tonight??

  • Iowaboy1
    Posts: 3613

    So, within the last two weeks when I have made a reply or two depending on the subject it has been axed, what gives??
    I never said anything that would offend unless you are so sensitive you would melt like cheap ice cream in a Georgia machine shed in August.
    Tonight I made the same reply three times to a thread, I kept getting user error, you have already said that and it never appears regardless of amount of attempts to post it???
    Last week,,,, oh well never mind,…..

    This week? if you dont believe cats cant drink milk from my glass and instead die of lead poisoning which is a crucial vitamin when they are strays??

    Posts: 354

    I hear ya… have had cats most my life & never had an issue drinking milk, Bunch of didlysquat if ya ask me. The farm we bought veggies & still warm milk from the cows was delicious, gallon jug was 1/3 pure cream on top. Must have been 20 cats running around that farm & they feasted on that milk.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16021

    Sometimes after to many Grain Belts toast hitting that submit reply button is like playing Whack-A-Mole. You swear you picked the right button but somehow nothing happens.

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