Health insurance – What a joke!

  • crappie55369
    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    and BOOM! we linked Mille Lacs. Just in time for Friday night. Gotta go get me some Beer and Pretzels. toast

    And it only took 4 pages to do it. Well done all! It was a difficult task but everyone here deserves credit applause toast

    Elk River, MN
    Posts: 213

    I don’t see how it’s in the best interest of tribal members to facilitate keeping drug costs high. Aren’t they causing themselves to have to pay more for prescription drug costs?

    Sorry, can’t find the sarcasm emoji.

    Honestly though, if their healthcare is anything like the VA, I don’t envy any that have to rely on it.

    Posts: 749

    and BOOM! we linked Mille Lacs. Just in time for Friday night. Gotta go get me some Beer and Pretzels. toast


    I’ll see myself out. chased

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025

    On the pharmaceuticals topic there is a new trend that some drug companies are trying. People following the Mille Lacs debacle should check into this new mess in drugs.

    Drug companies are looking into selling their patents to a tribe, then leasing the use of the patent back from the tribe. Under this scenario the patent law now falls under tribal law and can be extended as long as the tribes want. This creates a future of no more generic drugs.

    Technology companies are doing the same thing, registering their patents under tribal laws.

    The good news is that Washington is starting to take notice. When they do, hopefully we can include the ML treaties into whatever fix Washington decides to do to stop the tribes and big pharma from using this loophole.

    Pharma better be careful. How do you insure that they lease it back to you? Are contracts entered into with tribes binding if the tribe decides to nullify the agreement?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    There will be appeals but it looks like, in the specific case we’re discussing, the pharma company has already suffered significant legal setbacks. This should at least discourage copy-cats. For now.

    Bryson (judge) said “sovereign immunity should not be treated as a monetizable commodity that can be purchased by private entities as part of a scheme to evade their legal responsibilities.”

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    @mplspug1: “Pharma better be careful. How do you insure that they lease it back to you? Are contracts entered into with tribes binding if the tribe decides to nullify the agreement?”

    They’re dealing with a product valued at $1.5B annual revenue. I think it’s safe to say they’re being “careful.”

    I would also think the tribes would have the foresight not to double-cross their very first big pharma partner. If this ridiculous scheme actually works they would stand to make a lot more money on future deals with other pharma companies for other patents. Thankfully it seems unlikely to work.

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