
    Posts: 39

    Well as mentioned in a previous post I headed down to Harlan for the day on Thursday. Arrived at the lake at 11:30 am with plans to fish for a few hours and head back to town to get stuff done for the afternoon. Right away I realize I have forgotten my rod holders that I use while waiding (PVC cut 5′ long). Now I am destined to fish one rod and not two although I tried fishing two for a while. Water has come up according to the Army Core Eng. 3 1/2′ in the last month. This has submerger everything that grew up from last summer on when they let the water out of Harlan for KS. Now it is flooded sticks, weeds and washed up stuff that litters the floor. This is making presentation tuff as your baits get mucked up bad and quick. Now a catfish can smell better then anything so I figure they can find the bait but may not want to weed through cattail chunks and whatnot to get to it. First few steps knee deep informed me I have a hole in my left leg of the waders which when water temps are that low is not comfortable on the body but oh well. I fished for almost 3 hours without ever getting a bite. I did have the pleasure of watching snow geese for 2 1/2 hours constantly arriving at the lake which was super cool!

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    Thanks for the report Craig This early spring fishing always seems to be hit and miss. Next time you will go out and land 20

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