Lake Erie night bite?

  • Anonymous


    Just curious on how that night bite is shaping up out there?
    Been out lately on the big lake at all?
    What areas of the lake are some of your favorite areas for fall night prowling?



    The night bite along the cleveland shoreline is doing ok. The bite up in huron is still a little slow. The wind won’t quit blowing long enough for the lake to settle down and clear up. If that happens the bite should really heat up.

    I winterized my boat last week so I’m done lake fishing until we get real thick hardwater. I might try and get out and do some steelhead fishing in the river. Depends on the work schedule.

    This is the time of year I wish I had an outboard…..

    My favorite places to night prowl would have to be the shore line between vermilion and huron, and around the breakwalls by cleveland and eastlake…. Slow with crankbaits…

    Have you been out lately? How is the little one doing?



    Little one (James) is doing real well.He has even been out with me a couple times already.
    Pool 2 (Mississippi River) bite has been hot as well as Pool 4. Numbers as well as some big fish to boot.

    Get out here!

    Here is a pic of James at about 3 days old. He is 2 months now.


    Here it is…..


    That pic is pretty cool. Glad to hear everyone is doing good. My vacation time starts again in Jan, I’m hoping to get out there this winter to do some ice fishing and snowmobiling..

    We were out two weeks ago and pulled some really nice fish. We had two 11’s and a 10 on the same trolling pass, it was awesome. Almost all our fish that day came on cranks, I think the spoon bite is pretty much done.

    Are you fishing the PWT East again next year?


    I am currently ironing out the schedule for the next season. I will most likely fish selected events on the PWT,RCL, and MWC (Probably only Erie PWT April 16-18 for the east division)
    Can’t wait.

    See you out there.
    Meet up for cold one again?
    Should be the same group of guys coming out with me.

    Did you get those pigs night trolling? How deep?


    Actually we pulled them during the day, early morning. We were is 36-38ft of water NNE of vermilion. Reefrunners 100ft back off the big boards, one came on a ripstick 150ft behind an inline board.

    If all goes well I plan on fishing the two Erie PWT tournies. Port Clinton and the one out of Dunkirk NY. I’ll probably end up fishing one of the local circuits too. WWA or something??

    Are you guys planning on staying at the same place in catawba, marlu resort???


    How is the hard water bite out there anyway.When does the ice get safe. I can imagine once things freeze up good you could pull some dandies out there. Steve


    It all depends on the weather. I haven’t done alot of ice fishing, I am hoping to do more this year. In years past we were able to get out in Jan or Feb, but some years we never get safe ice..

    The ice bite here is usually pretty good. My tourney partner is an avid ice angler and has caught numerous big eyes through the ice off the point by catawba and the area between Kelleys Island and Marblehead….

    You defineatly need some sort of ice transportation and GPS would be a good idea to.



    The plan is too stay at Mar-Lu again if Erica will let us back there? JK.

    Maybe we will see you when you come west bound to do some hardwater angling.

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