Don’t Let This Happen To You

  • putz
    Cottage Grove, Minn
    Posts: 1551

    93 degrees outside. Truck sitting in full sunlight with windows closed. Lighter on dashboard. Not a good combination.

    I opened the door and found pieces of lighter all over the cab. The wheel part was on the back seat. No wonder they tell you not to expose the lighter to more than 120 degrees or prolonged sunlight.

    There must have been an air vent open somewhere for explosion relief or it could have taken the windshield. But the truck seems fine as far as I can tell.

    Just a heads up from an OF that learned something new.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Cans of pop will do the same thing(unopened). I had a can of pop explode(it was on passenger seat) and it sounded like a .38 special in my van.. I thought I got shot for a brief second until I realized the substance on the windshield wasnt blood.. it was pop.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    Happens also when you leave a can of beer in your truck while ice fishing

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    Also happens when you have a CO2 bottle for a paintball marker full and it gets too warm, except they have special rupture discs, still makes for a few tense moments.

    Hastings MN
    Posts: 97

    Had this happen on Mille Lacs, a couple of years ago! With the same style lighter. I bought 2 at Fisher’s resort. 1 for the pocket, 1 for the tackle box. (future emergency lighter!) My tackle box is the type that has a semi-clear small lift top that you put your most used items. Hooks, (lots of them!) sinkers, swivels, beads, ect.
    Well, it was a calm, warm, day. Hardly any wind, trolling with the electric, on a mid lake flat. All of a sudden, BOOM! As someone said with the can of pop, I thought a gun went off! There was shrapnel flying all over the place! For a moment, I didn’t know what happened, till I seen green plastic and a poop load of tackle laying all over the floor. I looked, and the cover on my tackle box was open, and quite a bit emptier! Took about a half hour to clean up the boat. I would have never beleived that a lighter could do that. For years I always had a Bic style lighter in there with no problem. Put one of these cheaper style lighters in there and 2 hours later, suprise!
    Needless to say, spare lighters are stored out of the sunlight now, no matter who makes them.

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    almost makes you long for the ol Zippo and the raw leg treatment NOT!!
    Did have one of those disposables get tossed in a campfire by accident once, not a pretty site


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