
  • kirk moe
    Posts: 137

    Just a few tips I’ve picked up in the last month.

    this one came from a person fishing the GNWC P.D.C tourney.

    When trolling in water with heavy debris put a splitshot 2 to 3ft above the lure you are trolling with. This will catch most of the debris that is sliding down the line.

    Now I had heard about doing this before but it must have slipped my memery.

    This one happend by trial and error on my brothers and my part.

    When fishing with a freind early this yr at Clear Lake I lost some nice keepers. The rod I was using had an action of med/light. Ironicly Last sunday my brother was using the same pole. We were casting jigs with the wind, casting 50ft +. He lost 3 fish one of which would have put us in 3rd place. Thats just fishing you catch some and you lose some,. I dont think so. He was seting the hook but because of the light action rod, mono, and distance we were casting he didn’t get a good hook set. .

    Moral of the story when casting jigs us a med action rod to insure hook set.

    Hope these tips help someone.



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