What do you think walleye guys?

  • tony_p
    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    With the rise in the water temps and low flow, is now the time target the deep water with lead core trolling?Or am I just thinking to much.If so whats your presentation trolling speed and how deep of water are you fishing? Im pretty well ignorant to lead core.

    john mannerino
    Chicago IL
    Posts: 207

    I`m not sure I would look deep. The baits not there.#1 Look at sloughs that have current and wood.#2 Troll main channel riprap and wing dam tips. #3 Main channel clam beds. I would not fish deeper than 15ft. Dont be affraid to burn cranks. Just my thinking.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Thanks .I have been doing well in those locations.I was just woundering when the best time to leadcore is, and why.

    NE IA
    Posts: 804

    Tony, I was hoping you had the answer to that question. I’m also new to lead and want to give it a try. I was thinking of trying this weekend up your way, are you going out?

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    I should be out on friday.Not sure whats in store for the weekend yet.I might fish a tournament on pool 7 saturday.If I do I will also be there on friday looking around.If I stay home I will let ya know .

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 73

    I pull lead on the Croix all year. Lately we’ve been picking most of our fish up in 20′ to 30′ of water. Fast is best this time of year( 2.5-3.5MPG), with 180′ to 210′ of lead out. Been another stellar year on the Croix. Last Sunday we put 12 fish between 16″ and 20″ in about 2 hours. Mixed saugers and eyes. There are some great breaks on pool 4 that produce all summer with the same program. Not a lot of big fish, but good for numbers.

    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800

    180 to 210 ft out holy smokes!!! I dont think Ive ever broke 150ft

    You might want to try a snap weight or a down rigger!! That might save on your wrist!!

    john mannerino
    Chicago IL
    Posts: 207

    There is really not a time that is bad for leadcore. Speed is what matters. It`s never to cold for cranks. We catch saugers on the IL. River pulling lead with #9 rapalas in cold weather when the water is clear and the weight from your 3 way spooks the fish.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    I don’t think depth is the key at least not right now. I’ve been catching good numbers of fish in less than 10′ of water with many coming much shallower than that. Right now current is the key. I’ve found closing dams at the heads and mouths of running sloughs to be holding good numbers of walleye right now. Pretty much any dam or rock pile with some current on it should be holding fish. Down here on pool 12 the current is almost non-existant right now and getting slower every day. Pulling cranks with my electric parallel to the face and top of the dams has been extremely effective the past couple of weeks. The main reason I’ve been using the electric is that I have to stay pretty close to the dams as there is very little current to wash the crank down to the dams. When you find a dam with fish on it it is not unusual to pick up fish on back-to-back-to-back-to… passes on said dam. This past weekend I had a couple friends with me and we had 2 doubles and caught consecutive fish on 5 or 6 consecutive passes on a certain dam. On this particular dam the deepest water out in front of the dam is 8′ at the most with an average of probably less than 6′. Most of the fish came out of 2′ to 6′ of water either out in front of the dam or right on top of the dam.


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