GPS/Sonar combo unit or seperate?

  • walzer
    Afton, MN
    Posts: 125

    I’m rigging my new boat and just wanted some other opinions. I’m thinking about running a combo unit like the Lowrance LMS-332c or would you recommend using seperate units, like the Global Map series and a seperate sonar. Any comments would be appreciated.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    Walzer, If you have the space on your boat and you can afford separate units the X102C and the Globalmap 3500C is an excellent way to go. The advantage/luxury of a full five inches for both GPS and sonar is worth it if you have it to spend. That said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with going to a combo unit either. I run the 332C myself and it’s an excellent unit. You can run full GPS, full sonar, or split the screen. Even when you’re running on full map you can overlay your depth on the screen so you’re never running blind. The Navionics maps look awesome on the color units. You could go with either of these set ups and be very happy. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    I run two units seperate….my eyes aren’t what they used to be and I like the full screen on both units for more information…

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668


    I’d say it would narrow down to how much room you have to be able to put two units on your dash. I don’t really like a lot of different electronics, so I have an LMS-480 combo, it has high power locator, and very good chips for gps and lake mapping. the cost of color is coming down, if that is what you like. Wade will probably add some good comments on here. He has the experience, and there are pros and cons, to diff. units over combos. good luck.

    After I wrote this I saw Wade and DAve had some good comments. Jack..

    Afton, MN
    Posts: 125

    Thanks for the input guys. I have a LMS 330 right now that I love, but I think having two full screens going at the same time would be the way to go, and the way that I’m leaning. Thanks again.

    Derek W.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Walzer, Thought I would chime in. I use to run a combo unit (LMS 240) But since went to 2 different units. I have a Global 3500 and a X-15mt. After using the Global 3500 the last 2 weekends I can not say enough good things about this unit. Wow I’m way impressed. I was debating in going with color, but Wade talked me into the 3500 instead of the 4800. Thanks Wade. This unit is good in all conditions. Day time Sun, Rain, Night, you name it. You just need to know how to change the brightness on the screen (This is important to remember). Turn it way up in the day, but it is blinding at night so turn it way down. I agree with others, if you have the room and budget for it go with 2 different units and I highly reccomend the Global 3500.

    Afton, MN
    Posts: 125

    Thanks for the advice Lip Ripper. I’ve been looking at the 3500 and I really like it. I think I’m going to go with that and the x102 for the sonar. Thanks again for everyone’s help.

    Derek W.

    Miles, Iowa
    Posts: 574

    If you can find the room and the money for the extra unit, that is the way to go, you won’t be sorry.

    St Cloud MN, Leech Lake
    Posts: 416

    10-4 Walzer. I have been running two for a couple of years and it is tough to beat. I just sold my 330c and 100c, I’m looking to upgrade to the 102c and 3500c.

    Crosby MN
    Posts: 613

    the 102c and 3500c are a good way to go they work great for me

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    Guys and gals,

    From this discussion I received a couple of emails about our pricing on our fishfinders and GPS units. We have discount prices available on many units. You can view our sale price in the shopping cart or you can email us for a price quote. Take into account that the shipping is included in the price.

    Someone asked why we don’t display discount prices on the site and that is because we have to follow the pricing policy set forth by the different manufacturers. We can sell the product for any price we choose, but we can not advertise prices below the required list price. I hope this helps clear up any confusion.

    If anyone has questions about prices please feel free to email me at [email protected] .

    We greatly appreciate the support we get here at In-Depth Angling!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I run 2 seperate units on the console and at the rear of the boat also for running the kicker motor. I like the big picture of whats down there. I can see the units on the console pretty good from the back of the boat [16 1/2 ft boat] but I still like having a gps in the rear so I can punch waypoints/icons when a fish hits when trolling. My units are black and white as it was too expensive to outfit it all in color. But I’m to black and white so it works great for me.
    Thanks, Bill

    Afton, MN
    Posts: 125

    Well, you guys talked me into it. I ordered my x102C and Global map 3500C from Wade at Jolly Ann Marine today. Can’t wait to try them out. I’m also putting an x102C on the bow as well. I’ll have the boat in a week, so I’ll keep everyone posted on how everything works. Thanks for the great advice.

    Derek W.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432

    If you need some help installing I am sure Lip Ripper and I can come over and help. As we both like drilling holes in other peoples boats We both just got done installing the 3500c and other stuff in our boats.

    Rob, you up for running the drill


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    I have her charging up as I type !

    Ron……no drilling through the bottom of the hull this time

    Just kidding Walzer . If you need any help, we both have got this thing down by now. Give us a shout We live up by Blaine, not to far form ya!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432

    I guy punches one hole through the bottom of a boat and he never hears the end of it

    Never drilled through YET but there is always a first. I did almost KO myself once but thats a differant story.

    If you want a hand give us a holler.
    Or we could just watch and your beer.


    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167


    Well, you guys talked me into it. I ordered my x102C and Global map 3500C from Wade at Jolly Ann Marine today. Can’t wait to try them out. I’m also putting an x102C on the bow as well. I’ll have the boat in a week, so I’ll keep everyone posted on how everything works. Thanks for the great advice.

    Derek W.

    And we greatly appreciate your support! Enjoy your new Lowrance units!

    Afton, MN
    Posts: 125

    Thanks for the offer on the installation help guys, but I’m having the guys at LaCanne’s Marine do the install. I just bought a new boat from them and thought it would be best to have them install the whole works. Can’t wait though, I pick up the boat this week and get to have some fun.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Sounds Good!

    I have had great experience in the past with LaCannes Marine. I’m sure they will set you up nice!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432

    Does this mean I need to unplug the drill.

    I have heard many good things about LaCannes. You made a good choice.

    We need to find a boat to drill holes in. My trigger finger is getting itchy.


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    To get such sad news on your Birthday

    We will just have to find another sucker , I mean someone in distress

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432

    Lip Ripper,
    Plug that sucker back in. I got a new set of Whitecaps for my B-day. We got some holes to drill


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    It looks like we found another Sucker Ron …….

    This Sliderfishin dude needs holed drilled into his boat. Man is he in for a big surprise

    Oh, thats you Ron…… Well I mean we should be able to handle drilling a few SMALL holes in your boat.

    Give me a call if you need some assistance

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