Lower Pool 2 bass?

  • mnfish
    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1104

    Anyone ever catch or know where them basses might be hidin’ out down by Grey Cloud or Spring lakes? Fished a few times and only caught sheepshead. Looks good but most stuff almost too shallow to get a boat in.

    Posts: 72

    I fished down there a couple of times a couple of years ago. You are right that the stump fields look really appealing but at lower water times are really hard to get into. I have talked to a couple of people who have fished the back waters behind Grey Cloud and they say the largemouth are big back there, but I couldn’t get into the spots the one guy was talking about the one time I tried. The other guy said that along the main river and the docks down there are really good spots but I have never fished them. So much water so little time.

    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1104

    I have fished those docks too but nothing. Tried way back in Grey Cloud but like you say, can only get so far. Takes forever to get in there too. Might be good this year with water higher. Want to try Spring too but looks like that might be even worse.

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