Back Surgery

  • shamus
    Posts: 317

    I’d like to hear from those of you that have had the microdiscectomy surgery.

    I’ve been battling a bulging disc in my back (L4/L5) for the past 3 years. So much so, that I had to quit my normal profession (concrete finisher) and move to the bidding/estimating side to get away from the physical work. While the career change really wasn’t a bad thing I still find that the problem flares up and is now starting to effect my left leg. The only treatment I’ve had is I once had a cortisone shot that didn’t help for long, I’ve taken steroid tapers from the doctor, and finally chiropractic treatments. All of these have helped for a short period, but the disc seems to flare up every 2-3 months now and frankly I’m pretty tired of it. I enjoy being active and I have a daughter on the way. My fear is that I won’t even be able to play with her unless I do something to really fix this.

    My past MRI’s have shown that I only have a disc bulge and it’s not severe, nor do I have any bone spurs or back bone problems.
    I’ve heard that microdisectomy can help or fix the problem, but I’d like to hear from those of you that have had the surgery. What was your experience with it, good/bad? Recovery time?

    Posts: 150

    I too went through this same misery. I had a bulged disc at l5-s1 and lived with 10/10 pain everyday and night. All I will tell you is do it, do it,do it!!! I went in the afternoon and had the microdisectomy and by the next morning was up and walking pain free. That was about 6 yrs. ago and I still think its the best decision I have ever made. No problems since..

    Posts: 276

    I had the same issues as you are experiencing. In 2005 I had microdisectomy surgery it relieved my pain instantly. I have been virtually pain free since. I get a steriod shot on rare occasions. I waited 20 years and I ask myself why. Don’t wait!!

    Posts: 317

    So it sounds like the recovery time is pretty fast. Were you guys back to work very quickly? The only thing that’s kept me from doing it is the horror stories you hear about back surgeries. Recovery times, the surgery not really helping, etc. Not sure but I wonder if those stories have more to do with surgeries for breaks or fractures.

    Your responses are getting me excited. There may be light at the end of the tunnel after all.

    Edit to add…. Are any of you in the Milwaukee area? Wondering if there is a doctor anyone can recommend?

    North St Paul
    Posts: 392

    i had mine 20 yrs ago..instint relief..i still have some minor issues but pain free from the moment i woke up,,the next step to maintain pain free is get in shape and stay in shape..take care of yourself or the pain will return if not in your lower back but some where..i’m never going to 20 yrs old again..niether are you

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    I went to a well known physical therapist that has NHL hockey players fly in for treatment. I was out of work for 3 months with a bulging disc. he had me back at work after 3 treatments. The name of the clinic is motion care and is located in Shoreview. I am glad I didn’t go under the knife, because his physical therapy worked for me. Results may very. I think going under the knife is a last resort.

    SE WI
    Posts: 102

    I just have to “chime in” and say that the everyone I’ve talked to has had very positive things to say about “microdiscectomies”, or however that goes, but personally I’ve had 3 “fusion’s”…it’s been 16yrs and I’ve gone nowhere but downhill….point is, as long as there’s no “metal” involved, I think you have to seriously consider it! Not much worse then daily “back issues”…I hope goes well….


    Posts: 588

    I had the surgery 11 years ago when I was 19. I was good for a few years but then about 2 years ago I was almost back to where I was before the first surgery. Instead of going in for another surgery,I opted to begin a new (to me) form of chiropractic care called NUCCA. Their methods focus solely on adjusting the atlas bone at the top of your spine. It is a little weird in the beginning because it isn’t a very physical adjustment. However, I have now been 95% pain free (which is what I was post-surgery) for about 8 months. A good friend started after I did and he recovered much quicker than I did because he didn’t have the history that I did.

    While surgery was definitely the quickest relief, my surgeon did warn me that I would most likely need the same procedure (because I was so young) in the future. Or worse, a fusion of my vertebrae.

    I have been really happy to relieve my pain without surgery, but I realize it is not for everyone.

    Good luck and hope you get to feeling better real soon! Back pain is a bi*%$!

    Posts: 317

    Thanks guys I’ve been doing some reading on this stuff and fusion definitely does not sound like a good idea. Going off of what past doctors (in Minneapolis) have told me, that the bulge I have isn’t severe and it doesn’t appear to be caused by bone issues, I think the microD surgery would be what I would need. Any surgery other than a mictoD and I’d probably not be interested. I just need to see a doc (in Milwaukee, I moved) some time in the next year and then go see another for a second opinion.

    I agree with those of you saying surgery should be a last resort, and frankly I think I’m there. Like I said, I’ve been fighting this for 3 years and it’s only gotten progressively worse. I’ll look into that NUCCA treatment you’ve mentioned, thanks.

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