Lake Owasso

  • whiskeyandwater
    Posts: 2014

    Hey guys has anyone been out to lake Owasso in rosevill lately? Heading out with the guys saturday morning!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 313

    what are you fishing for?

    I live close by looks like they have been driving on it for a week or so now. 5 or so houses off the beach in 25 fow. Seems to get hit hard at dusk, small walleyes the target I presume.


    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I have only fished Owasso a handfull of times, none were this winter. know there are some very nice walleyes in there, but I know the ice can be sketchy also. Last winter I had some luck in the mid 20′ range on the west side of the lake along the steeper shoreline… I also found the ice to go from 12″ to 4″ closer to that shore.

    There are some at walleyes in that lake, dont be afraid to look for them, but watch the ice thickness closely.

    Posts: 2014

    Thanks Dave. good news is I’ve never been afraid to keep drilling holes.

    ST Paul
    Posts: 48

    It,s a great northern lake bring tip ups. I caugth a 7 lb eye 2 summers ago but thats not the norm.

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