Pan fish and Walleye’s

  • mpearson
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Saturday morning I was able to talk the better half into heading up early (4:30 a.m.) to Big Round for some nice bluegill action. We didn’t hit them as good as I had hoped, but we did take some nice ones home with us! Leeches is the way to go in about 10 foot of water. This is Jackie with one of many nice bluegills that were brought home for the pan!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Then I was able to head out to Wissota tonight with a buddy of mine…Jay Johnson. We hit a couple of different spots off the main lake but with no luck. So we decided to hit a couple of spots I’ve been having some luck troling. First pass was a nice 20 1/2″ walleye that came in about 20 fow. We made several more passes in that area and were able to boat 5 more walleyes and a northern. Then it was on to the shallows to pitch some #5 shad raps in 5 fow. We had some success but for this area it was rather slow. Here is a nice healthy 18 1/2″. We ended the night with 11 eyes, 1 nothern and 1 catfish! Thanks again Jay for sharing the boat the with me! Maybe next time I’ll let you catch the most fish!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 296

    Great report Dartman.

    Long Prairie,MN
    Posts: 402

    Great report, sounds like everyone had fun. Way to egg her on to get out for a challenge! waytogo

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1353

    sounds like fun! I was on Wissota yesterday morning trying to find a few Wissota Golds… We (myself and bro-in-law) tried a few spots with limited success. Most of the fish we caught were in the slot so back in the water they went. The excitement of the morning happened when a big channel hit the jig!

    I did manage a bit of multi-species outing – caught smallmouth, crappies, perch, and walleye, almost all on my slip-bobber rig. We mostly worked shallow, weedy areas with drop-offs to deeper water. It looks like they’re sitting deeper – in their mid-summer pattern already.

    Spent the rest of the day pulling tubes and skis and one ‘pleasure run’ along the shoreline into Moon Bay. A great day to be out!

    Posts: 4179


    I think I recognize the spot in your second picture

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4338

    Jason…I figured you would. Now I just have to figure out how much that little bit of information will cost you! I did notice that before I posted the picture and figured it’s gods country…I don’t own it and really, isn’t that what this site is all about? Helping fellow anglers to catch fish? Although I did pretty much everything but give GPS coordinates! Oh well, I wish you all good luck whenever you go out! And I forgot to mention that all fish caught last night were released to be caught again!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 674

    I think it is a trick pic Jason, he is leading us on with that pic I think sully busted him in the real spot he was catching all the fish

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