2007 Duck & Goose Migration Report

  • Jake
    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Calendar ducks are around……scouting is key……Birds are decoy shy unless you’re on the “X”….luckily, we found the “X” Saturday

    Sunday was slower.

    Divers have started to show up in numbers….Don’t ask me what the heck the key is for them .

    Haven’t seen more than a couple swans yet.

    The cold weather can hold off until I’m done deer hunting now….then it’s go time……Maybe we can finally get some northern ducks to shoot

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Calendar ducks are around……scouting is key……Birds are decoy shy unless you’re on the “X”….luckily, we found the “X” Saturday

    Sunday was slower.

    Divers have started to show up in numbers….Don’t ask me what the heck the key is for them .

    Haven’t seen more than a couple swans yet.

    The cold weather can hold off until I’m done deer hunting now….then it’s go time……Maybe we can finally get some northern ducks to shoot

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    Glad to hear someone is in the right spot Jake
    I just received a call from my buddy last night, that made his annual trip up to Tamarack, between D.L. and Park Rapids.
    They went up on Sunday and came home already!
    Basically a total bust, NO BIRDS
    I have heard rumblings of a weather change on Thursday – Friday, I sure hope so
    Good luck

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    Glad to hear someone is in the right spot Jake
    I just received a call from my buddy last night, that made his annual trip up to Tamarack, between D.L. and Park Rapids.
    They went up on Sunday and came home already!
    Basically a total bust, NO BIRDS
    I have heard rumblings of a weather change on Thursday – Friday, I sure hope so
    Good luck

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 308

    Three of us made it out Wed. in the winds, 2 of my buddy’s made it out about 10:30 yesterday, sitting in stand until 9:30, and I had to work until 2 so I was a real late arrival. The winds didn’t seem to bring in the birds we were expecting, wether they didn’t make it to us or whatever, whereever, they may have overnight. We ended up getting 14 ducks and a goose. The 3 man limit was easily there for us but our pi$$ poor shooting was preventing it from happening. All of the birds that were decoying were decoying very nicely as we were landing gaddy’s waiting for the green. There were some money lookin’ green-wingers flying around and yes we did see some blue-wingers, 2 of them were drakes and I have never seen a blue-wing drake look so sweet up here like those two looked. Needless to say that they were doing a fly-by and we were not prepared to blaze—-until it was too late. The only widgeon flying around fell to some #2’s, great looking drake. Smaller #’s of pinny’s, one can seen, 3 blacks, 1 woodie and a couple flocks of Jack’s. Other than that, Gaddy’s and Mally’s were the most aboundant. The Honker’s decided to play about 4 minutes after legal shooting. We ended woth 9 green, the widgeon and the rest gaddy’s, all of the birds are looking real impressive right now and yes, even those drake gaddy’s have some beauty to them.

    We also saw about 100 or so swans flying around from 5:40 until we left the marsh.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 308

    Three of us made it out Wed. in the winds, 2 of my buddy’s made it out about 10:30 yesterday, sitting in stand until 9:30, and I had to work until 2 so I was a real late arrival. The winds didn’t seem to bring in the birds we were expecting, wether they didn’t make it to us or whatever, whereever, they may have overnight. We ended up getting 14 ducks and a goose. The 3 man limit was easily there for us but our pi$$ poor shooting was preventing it from happening. All of the birds that were decoying were decoying very nicely as we were landing gaddy’s waiting for the green. There were some money lookin’ green-wingers flying around and yes we did see some blue-wingers, 2 of them were drakes and I have never seen a blue-wing drake look so sweet up here like those two looked. Needless to say that they were doing a fly-by and we were not prepared to blaze—-until it was too late. The only widgeon flying around fell to some #2’s, great looking drake. Smaller #’s of pinny’s, one can seen, 3 blacks, 1 woodie and a couple flocks of Jack’s. Other than that, Gaddy’s and Mally’s were the most aboundant. The Honker’s decided to play about 4 minutes after legal shooting. We ended woth 9 green, the widgeon and the rest gaddy’s, all of the birds are looking real impressive right now and yes, even those drake gaddy’s have some beauty to them.

    We also saw about 100 or so swans flying around from 5:40 until we left the marsh.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    Things in MN should really start looking up from a migration standpoint. They now have snow holding on the gound in the Pas and temps at night are dropping into the low 20’s. It’s also not getting much warmer than 35 during the day in mid to northern Manitoba. See – http://weatheroffice.gc.ca/canada_e.html
    Water will start to hold hard soon there, so with snow on the ground and no water, they’ll start to move down in bigger numbers.
    Going to western MN this weekend, but it sounds like it’s finally time to race back to southern Manitoba again too!!
    Maybe I’ll finally be able to use my barrel as my handwarmer

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 544

    Things in MN should really start looking up from a migration standpoint. They now have snow holding on the gound in the Pas and temps at night are dropping into the low 20’s. It’s also not getting much warmer than 35 during the day in mid to northern Manitoba. See – http://weatheroffice.gc.ca/canada_e.html
    Water will start to hold hard soon there, so with snow on the ground and no water, they’ll start to move down in bigger numbers.
    Going to western MN this weekend, but it sounds like it’s finally time to race back to southern Manitoba again too!!
    Maybe I’ll finally be able to use my barrel as my handwarmer

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    Their heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrre
    The northern birds started showing up in earnest on Friday
    I did an evening shoot on Friday to get a feel for what was in the area, before making weekend plans.
    I was in Central MN at a favorite river haunt. The greenheads started pouring in at 4:30 and lasted until 6:00. The strong NNW wind helped me big time. Those big boys would spot the mojos from up on high and just do flips to dive bomb the dekes. This was the best greenhead shoot that I have had in a couple of years, very fast paced.
    Unfortunately for me, the wind switch on saturday to SW and not as strong. The birds did not come into my location of choice, on Saturday.
    Some Goldies have moved into north central MN and most of the Ringnecks seem to have left. My buddies that I do the big water diver hunts with have been seeing very large flocks, but only shooting partial limits thus far.
    Todays weather is what we have been waiting for
    Everyone that I have talked to, that hunted ducks this weekend, agrees that things should be in full swing by next weekend
    I have found very similar weather reports for Canada as Splitshot, and it is all good.
    We just do not want things to change too drastically, or the migration could be darn near over-night,like in some years past.
    I hunted alone on Friday, so I do not have any photos. Needless to say, those ducks have already been consumed
    I served up some mallards off the grill for the family dinner last night. I thought a few of you would also find it amusing, that my 4 year old daughter, whose birthday is in a couple of weeks, ask “daddy, can we have duck for my birthday party:!
    I loved it and mommy just shook her head and smirked
    Good luck

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    Their heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrre
    The northern birds started showing up in earnest on Friday
    I did an evening shoot on Friday to get a feel for what was in the area, before making weekend plans.
    I was in Central MN at a favorite river haunt. The greenheads started pouring in at 4:30 and lasted until 6:00. The strong NNW wind helped me big time. Those big boys would spot the mojos from up on high and just do flips to dive bomb the dekes. This was the best greenhead shoot that I have had in a couple of years, very fast paced.
    Unfortunately for me, the wind switch on saturday to SW and not as strong. The birds did not come into my location of choice, on Saturday.
    Some Goldies have moved into north central MN and most of the Ringnecks seem to have left. My buddies that I do the big water diver hunts with have been seeing very large flocks, but only shooting partial limits thus far.
    Todays weather is what we have been waiting for
    Everyone that I have talked to, that hunted ducks this weekend, agrees that things should be in full swing by next weekend
    I have found very similar weather reports for Canada as Splitshot, and it is all good.
    We just do not want things to change too drastically, or the migration could be darn near over-night,like in some years past.
    I hunted alone on Friday, so I do not have any photos. Needless to say, those ducks have already been consumed
    I served up some mallards off the grill for the family dinner last night. I thought a few of you would also find it amusing, that my 4 year old daughter, whose birthday is in a couple of weeks, ask “daddy, can we have duck for my birthday party:!
    I loved it and mommy just shook her head and smirked
    Good luck

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4852

    I came down from Theif River falls on Sunday through Fergus falls and down 94 and I bet I did’nt count 50 ducks all the way home! Probably only seen 100 geese.I also heard that up around Regina Canada that the geese aren’t around.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4852

    I came down from Theif River falls on Sunday through Fergus falls and down 94 and I bet I did’nt count 50 ducks all the way home! Probably only seen 100 geese.I also heard that up around Regina Canada that the geese aren’t around.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Cruising around the Lake Elmo area yesterday and the sky was full of honkers and big flocks of ducks before dark. I think this coming week more on the weekend side could be GO TIME

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Cruising around the Lake Elmo area yesterday and the sky was full of honkers and big flocks of ducks before dark. I think this coming week more on the weekend side could be GO TIME

    Almost North of 8
    Posts: 148

    Finally some cold weather!!!! I was out in the duck blind on Sunday in my t-shirt wondering why I was hunting on such a beautiful day. The northern divers are starting to move (the cans and other divers are on the move in MN) and I am left fliping a coin, heads I go for ducks next weekend tails I go for deer. I wish fall lasted longer!

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    I finally got myself into IDO, so I could participate. I was starting to shake
    By now, most everyone has probably heard about the situation on Winnie Not good
    I was actually planing to spend my weekend on Winnie, for my favorite weekend of the duck season.
    Now, after a little adjusting, I am going to Lake of the Woods for the first time
    Turning something bad into something good
    Photos for sure
    Good luck

    SDSU via Savage, MN
    Posts: 123

    Report from central So. Dak:

    Went out on the 7th some sloughs were completely froze over even big ones as long as they were surrounded by hills to break the wind. Lots of divers mostly redheads ringbills bluebills and buffleheads. Bigger flocks of northern mallards lessers and snows are working the corn pretty good but nothing to get real excited about. If the conditions are right this weekend there should be no reason to shoot any less than a limit. However the main group of northern flocks has yet to arrive.

    I just worked out my classes for next semester no class until 3 Pm Monday Wednesday Friday I would kill to have that schedule in the fall but I spose there will be snows to hunt in the spring

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Hunted last night and took a couple of HUGE greenheads. They both had 4 curls on them They are going on the wall “Cupped and committed”

    Also all I saw coming in was Mallards. But Tuesday night I didnit see any Mallards. Buffs and Golden Eyes……….

    I hope it is not happening that fast!

    Posts: 65

    Call your Guide in Roch. Geese big and small everywhere
    no sh.t! A little snow up north has moved some birds. It’s only going to get better.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    I just got back late last night from a week of deer and duck hunting. I am exhausted today, but boy was it worth it. I was duck hunting for 4 days last week and logged 1500 miles scouting and hunting different areas. I made the big mistake of not bringing a boat with me as I planned on field hunting the majority of the trip.

    I gained permission to hunt a posted picked cornfield next to a slough that was holding tons of birds last Friday morning. I am not exactly sure what 5000 mallards looks like, but after watching flocks of 50-100 mallards dump into the slough right next to my field all day, I figured the total had to be close to 5000, if not more. There were also hundreds of geese in the area.

    I began to get rather frustrated during my trip because the birds were in such massive flocks that I had a very difficult time breaking off smaller groups with only me on the call and a limited decoys spread of 66 full body geese, 1 dozen full body mallards, and two mojos. I found fields that were being naturally used for feeding, but because there is only one road every four sections, they were difficult to find access. I did enjoy watching the birds work and the birds I did shoot, I felt a pretty great sense of accomplishment that I was able to pull them out of the crowd being so close to a rousting area.

    I have attached some pictures that I was able to recover off my camera. Unfortunately on Friday morning I went racing back into my layout blind after a little bathroom break and landed on my camera cracking the lens and housing. These pictures are from the scouting last Thursday night and hunting on Friday morning until around 8:00. The rest of the pictures are stored in my memory.

    Oh yeah – The migration is upon us.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    The river lost a lot more birds than it gained last week…..according to pool counts and all the reports I’ve heard……It has been mysteriously slow for this time of year. Completely dead for a lot of guys……We did decent this weekend, but that’s what scouting will do for you . Got a nice black duck and fully colored out GWT Sunday along with 6 mallards…..first black of the year.

    Swans are just starting to show up in numbers……Cooler weather predicted starting Wednesday…….it’ll either pick up and be a great last couple weeks, or it’ll stay stale and go down as one of the best Oct. and slowest Nov. that I’ve ever hunted. Only time will tell (but I have a good feeling about the last two weekends )

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Whacked a local slough this AM. Boy do I like this week day thing. The flight looks to be in full swing. I only wish a little water would lock up so some of my late season spots would fire up. I guess thats only because I like hunting them. Any way… I shot greenies, and divers and all were migrants. There was even a small group of cans that flew over. (Unfortunaly I wasn’t paying attention. ) With some big wind tommorow and cold on thursday I’ll be hitting a few river spots thursday and friday.

    Sorry I havn’t been as active this season. I’m in the midst of some huge changes and most of my time is spent studying latley. I’ll get another report from my area up by the weekend.


    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4852

    I was on the river tonight on pool 4 and saw 0 ducks. 1 flock of about 10 geese. Guy’s were shooting in Gatenbien,but I never saw anything flyin around.

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    how do you know they are migrants??? just looking to start a little debate with the answers….

    Waterloo, IA and Hager City Wi.
    Posts: 674

    Gatenbein was hot last week too, lots of birds when we were on the wisconsin sand in the dark. Lots of shootin’ too.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Hunted Pool 3 all day Sunday….BORING…………..

    Shot a hen ringy. Missed a couple greenheads that was all at shooting time. That was the last shooting we did. DONE shooting at 645am

    Did not see anything moving except greenheads and buffs.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    Sittin on the dock at Everets last night I nothice one thing..right at sunset LATE there were line after line after line of ducks up high and on there way out so I dunno what the deal was there but saw atleast 20 minutes or more of non stop lines heading high and south…..Dunno exactly what though.

    Residing in St. Paul, MN doing weekly travel throughout the five state Upper Midwest
    Posts: 976

    I’m glad to here that somebody is getting birds
    This past weekend, I worked my off and prospered very little.
    With the news about Winnie I decided that this was the year that I would finally get up and check out Lake of the Woods .
    We went out of the state boat landing, made the trek all of the way out around Pine Island and saw 8 mallards
    We then decided to scout all the way around Curry Island and saw 1 hooded merganser
    While trying to decide how we were going to salvage our voyage trip to LOW, my buddy’s motor seized up. Something major in the power head. It sounded like a dozen bolts shaking in a metal coffee can, not good
    We flagged down a fisherman, while still in Canadian waters , and got a 45 minute tow back to the landing. We were off of LOW in less than 2 1/2 hours, having only seen 9 ducks
    We decided to shoot all the way back down to Nisswa and stay at my family cabin, so we could get back to some familiar waters in the morning.
    Long story short, I bagged 2 ringnecks and 1 giant honker for the entire weekend
    I agree, we need some hard water before things are going to improve for me.
    This time of year, when the divers are not only migating, but also rafting up in large numbers, I have experienced significant problems getting the ducks and geese to cooperate.
    This past weekend was a perfect example.
    I got beat to the landing on one of my favorite late season, smaller water, diver lakes. normally I am the first one there and I hate it when late comers feel the need to come join me on the only catail island in the middle of the lake. So, out of respect for these hunters, I quickly headed off to my second favorite lake, still under the cover of darkness.
    We had a strong SE wind at 20-25 mph. I have lots of experience on this other lake, but I have never been forced to hunt the south or east sides of the lake. There are very few spots on the SE end, that a guys can legally set up in, from a boat. We made our decision and went with it.
    As I was mentioning, all ducks and geese do very strange things this time of year, when the divers are rafting and the ice is minimal in this area.
    The shear number of divers rafting up seems to attract everything else to join them. The security in numbers thing, I believe. THEY WERE ALL RAFTED TOGETHER IN THE NW CORNER OF THE LAKE, GETTING BLASTED ALL DAY BY THE STRONG SE WIND
    We readjusted for the evening hunt, because we know which adjacent waters the mallards and honkers like to roost on for the night time.
    That SE wind blew all day and all night, and the mallards and honkers completely abandoned their usual habits, to spend all of their time with the divers on an un-huntable area of the lake.
    There was nothing we could do
    I did switch it up for different bodies of water and locations, but my axperience was the same.
    We hear most hunters complain about the October lull, for ducks in Minnesota.
    I find this particular time to be much more frustrating. I hunted 200 to 400 acre lakes with 3,000 to 5,000 divers, mallards and geese on them. In all instances, they were rafted up together in un-huntable and WINDWARD areas of each lake.
    Even with our combined spreads with 1,000 foot mainlines of divers and all of our mallards, geese and MOJOs, we could not draw birds away from the large live flock!
    Sorry about the rant, but I really need some ICE
    Good luck

    Posts: 922

    My experiences on Pool 4 the last few weeks have been really slow. I believe there are probably birds around, I just don’t have the time to scout this fall. It also helps to be able to hit the few ducks that offer decent shots (i’m in a huge slump, and don’t know why).

    Good luck to all.

    Posts: 5130

    This week while out trapping I have had the priveledge to watch some very impressive flocks of mallards as well as widgeon on Pool 7. Suprisingly enough, there are very few people in these areas hunting them. It seems everyone stays near the firing line. People sure are missing out on some great shooting opportunities.

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