What ducks in what trees Warden

  • todinaca
    Galesville, Wi
    Posts: 34

    Just thought I would share this interesting story about the northern season opener. My uncle was hunting in northwest Wisconsin and when he got back to the boat landing there were wardens discussing with a couple ‘hunters’ who, apparently, when they bought their license were not told that: even thought you can buy lead, it is not legal to use for waterfowl, that that possession limit DOES include those ducks you put in hollow trees, and finally that alcohol, even thought it might make you see more ducks after drinking enough, is not a great thing to do with a loaded firearm.

    The next day, the wardens were still there looking for ducks – they had 4 ‘in possession’, 1 in a gun case, and 6 hidden in trees. All the ducks shot were woodies. The warden said the two would also be a couple thousand dollars lighter in the pocketbook.

    Amazing how little respect some people have for laws and the game they hunt.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493


    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493


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