dport dam

  • eyesrit
    dav ia
    Posts: 43

    fished dport this morning for three hours,no saugers,but did get 4 14in.eyes.would have liked to fish longer,but my buddy had plans.anybody catching anything on the ill.side,seen they have the rollers closed,and there was one boat on that side…..eyesrit

    Iowa, Davenport
    Posts: 144

    Yo Eyes – Pool 16 has been slow for long time. The Credit Island drift has been the most consistent bite. But its also the most boring type Walleye fishing there is- Sit and Drift and Wait, over and over. That’s why you usually see only the old grey hairs there. Sorry if I offened anyone, I’m a Bass and Musky caster on the other side of the house, so it’s taken me 20 yrs to learn the disipline it takes to handle that kind of tedium, and I might add it’s a portion of the Walleye sport that I like the least !! Gofish

    Kensyl Reading EFN ProStaff

    Ol’ Miss Guide Service

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