Unseasonable Weather

  • Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11714

    How do you guys approach a pheasant hunt with this recent, unseasonably warm weather? What can I expect the bird to be doing? I’m hoping to bag a few pre-Thanksgiving meal roosters!

    Posts: 78

    I hunt them like I normally would in weather like this. However, I can’t wait for a good snow storm to get out and hunt the birds.

    I find little thickets, or pockets of smaller sloughs out of the way and target those area. After feeding, they find a place to just mess around.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    It’s pretty much like opening weekend weather except the birds are more wary and I think a person has to work just a tad bit harder to find them. When you do, play close attention to what cover they like and see if you can’t repeat at other walk in areas. Good luck!

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11714

    What do you mean by the birds getting more wary? Flushing sooner? Hiding better?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Flushing sooner. Like don’t slam your door etc… Hunting quiet can be a nice equalizer for late season birds. Of course this goes out the window once the first shot is fired. It’s not uncommon for guys to switch to 3″ 4 shot this time of year as the birds are moving fast and don’t generally sit very tight.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11714

    Got it. Thanks, Kooty.

    Posts: 78

    If you are hunting public, find a back access or come in for a different angle then most people do. It throws the birds off.

    I hunt a lot of popular spots that get hit weekly. The difference between me and the average person is they go in the parking lot, and work the way everyone else does. I come in from the side or the back side on a gravel road of some sort and the birds don’t expect that.

    In the later season like this you have to think ahead of the bird.

    Birds were jumpy from the start of the season for me however. It just goes to show being quiet is key. Pick who you hunt with.

    Opener I hunted with a friend of mine who took his dad who is a big time duck hunter. He for some reason brought his duck call with him. During our pheasant hunt whenever he saw ducks, or heard ducks he would stop, pull out his call and blast on it.

    I turned around and walked back to the truck lol.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11714


    If you are hunting public, find a back access or come in for a different angle then most people do. It throws the birds off.

    Great idea. Thanks.

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