Climate Change and the Future of Wis Inland Trout

  • LenH
    Posts: 2385

    Climate Change and the Future of Inland Trout Distribution and Management in Wisconsin

    Climate change is expected to raise air temperatures and change precipitation patterns in Wisconsin, which will impact stream and lake habitat and fish populations therein. Here Matthew will discuss climate change impacts on inland trout in streams, including the latest projected climate scenarios for Wisconsin and their predicted effects on the distribution of brook trout and brown trout. He will also discuss the implications of climate change for trout fisheries management. These include possible adaptation strategies to lessen the impact of climate warming effects on trout fisheries, such as land, water, and riparian management strategies, stream restoration, a triage approach to stream management, and fish stocking and angling regulations.

    Posts: 2385

    2:20pm webcast today

    Posts: 2385

    Current trout distribution

    Projected temp increase

    1 degree increase

    3 degree increase

    5 degree increase
    all charts from presentation

    Posts: 2385

    Per Dr. Mitro many of the lunker structures made in high radiant streams will not withstand the bigger and more frequent rain events forecasted.

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