A new arrival!

  • stillakid2
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    While trout still hasn’t become my objective quarry, I had my first outing with a fly rod yesterday and I gotta tell you guys…….. no wonder you love your sport!!! What a hoot!

    I was chasing ‘gills and had great success but when I get better with the cast control, I’m going to have to give this trout thing a fair shot! What a hoot!

    Anyway…… I’m just all excited about learning (and loving!) a new technique and had to shout about it for a second! Thanks for letting me rant!

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 19

    I am with you on this. My brother-in-law just moved back from Colorado, and while I had fished once with the fly rod out there, I was far from adept at using it. However, I have been taking it out with us to hit the gills and crappies this year, and talk about fun! With the occasional bass thrown in, it makes for some fun fishing. Not to mention the fact that I am getting MUCH better at my fly rod casting. We just downloaded the hatchery stocking schedules, and we’re planning on taking a day or two to hit some of the trout streams in Northeast IA in a few weeks. He’s already been up there and got some 7-8 lb broods this year. If I hooked one of those on a fly rod I don’t know what I’d do!

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    Hey Ken, Hoot away
    I built my first fly rod back in jr high(yes it was a LONG time ago) limted out on opening day of trout season way back then(before much C/P/R) and have been addicted ever since. They are a special, fun, tool.


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