LCP let down

  • jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    My new little LCP was taken out of the box yesterday and paired up a box of shells…that I cannot hit a 12″x12″ box ten yards away with!

    I understand this is a little tiny fixed sight gun but two feet low and one foot right at ten yards? If I hold front high to the point the top of the rear sight horizontally aligns with the rear of the extractor and completely cover the target I can just touch the bottom of the target at seven yards. Sadly this gun is useless to me as my attackers/target are often times about 12″-18″ around fast and furry. I also would not feel good in a personal defense situation as I am not sure I could put a round in “the mass” of a human attacker at five to ten yards if my life depended on it and it may. Looks like this one goes back in the box and the old Glock goes back into service.

    Anyone else have this little Ruger or a KelTec and are they just that terribly inaccurate or is something screwy with this one?

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3123

    Probably too small to put a lazer on? I’d send it down the road if you don’t like it. They’re incredibly popular for whatever reason and I’m betting you could get very close to what you paid for it.


    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    try some differnt ammo, My Keltek doesn’t like p+ ammo, hits all over the place.

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    The gun is very consistant; i can blow the same hole in the dirt below the target all day long.

    If I am ever attacked the cops will know who got shot because everybody is getting it in the left knee cap as long as I aim for the upper torso.

    I’m going to try some different ammo just to do it and I am awaiting a call back from a tech at Ruger.

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    Ruger did call back and told me it is a very common complaint and no real effort at all is made to ensure the gun is close to sighted in. He said:“three shots at three feet, then back up taking three more shots is how the gun was designed and marketed”

    I explained to him I understand it has a one inch barrel and is not a target gun but I would like to be able to hit a two foot square at twenty feet standing prone not under stress…without holding high and right two feet. Ruger did offer to replace the barrel but then told me it would be the same. My shooting abilitys then came into question. That got me a bit fustrated as I explained my background with handguns and the training I have had and once again back to the shilloute target at twenty feet that was untouched! As I stated it is very consistant shooter, just not on target. Out of fustration I took a old refrigrator box out to the range and found the gun shoots great groups but no way to put that group in the line of sight or anything close to it.

    I have to say two thumbs down on the LCP from me. To bad really as the size and other features are great; it just does not perform well enough to where I feel safe. I just can’t rely on a gun I know is off two feet?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Sounds to me like Ruger designed this gun for very close quarters with the hopes the bullet may or may not scare off the would be attacker. Obviously not the best tool for someone in your line of work. Hope you find a good replacement!!

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    I still have the Glock and my Taurus for bear protection. I was hoping for a compact to carry in the summer.

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    Its fixed! After some research and a new barrel we are good to go. Sounds like a small problem with the action contacting the barrel with to much pressure on one side. I can crack fence post tops at 15-20 yards easy.

    Posts: 6443

    Sweet gun I shot it and saw it in action

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