Mille Lacs 9/22 and 9/23

  • jasonlem
    New Prague
    Posts: 168

    I think I’m going to head up to the pond again. I’m not sure what this colder weather will do but I want to do a little scouting before the following weekend. Not sure what the lake will hold but it’s worth a shot.

    Thursday morning I have to do my wheel bearings but heading up in the afternoon.


    Fridley, Mn
    Posts: 195

    I could join you on Friday. I have to work Thursday night, but could be up there by noon Friday. If your game plan is night trolling, I’ll grab a nap after work and come up in the afternoon.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    This cooler weather has the water temps right now where they need to be. about 62 degress. The fish seem to be feeding all throughout the night based on moon rise/set and minor/major. Pay attention to those small details really increases your odds of catching numbers of big fish while night trolling on the pond.

    I am heading up thurs night to give a run, will report back.

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