Cedar 10/5/06

  • walleye_wisdom
    Big Sky Country Helena, MT (Adel, IA home)
    Posts: 1160

    Fished the Cedar from about 11:30pm-2am last night from shore. Lots of homework + lots of coffee = no sleep , so i thought i’d throw some lures around. Didn’t catch anything, but i did spot 4-5 walleye in the shallows, nothing big, but eater size none the less.

    NE IA
    Posts: 736

    Hopefully the eyes will start picking up in Waverly soon. Have heard of some being caught above the dam in Nashua. Gonna give Waverly area a try saturday.

    Posts: 660

    Been picking up some decent eyes around Waterloo, but the funny thing is I’m catching more small flathead then eyes.
    All on jigs by the way.

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 309

    Not much happening for me between the W’loo and CF dams on Saturday. Maybe this cold snap we’re supposed to get this week will get things turned on. Seems like the more uncomfortable the weather the better the fishing.

    NE IA
    Posts: 736

    Put boat in above the Waverly dam at 4:00am. Trolled around the ski club area with no eyes to be found. Managed to catch some small smallies. Water temp was 56.3

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 309

    56.3 that’s too warm. Same temp in CF. Give me 40’s and I’ll catch fish!! They are starting to bite though. Once the bite turns from crawlers to minnows, you know the feed has started.

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