Iowa River 8/18

  • nick858
    Eldora, Iowa
    Posts: 367

    Well I have seen Walleye Wisdoms reports from the Cedar, so I thought I would give the Iowa river a try. Much the same type of river, just on a smaller scale. Well I stepped off the bank into the water, fell down, and poked a hole in my waders. Just great $100 bucks and now I get to fish with water up to my knee in the left leg. Well to make a long story short(I know, too late for that) I caught 3 smallmouth bass that were not even picture-worthy. Water was low and stained, although many areas around here received 1-2 inches of rain yesterday and today, so it may be on the rise. Lets get through the fall bite and get some hard water.

    Big Sky Country Helena, MT (Adel, IA home)
    Posts: 1160

    Hey, at least you made it out, more than i was able to do today! I will be out tommorow, hopefully with some fish to report!!! Nick, waders are overrated!!

    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595


    You didn’t get out fishing one day. I didn’t think that would be possible for you

    Big Sky Country Helena, MT (Adel, IA home)
    Posts: 1160

    And i might not make it out today either! I’m going to do my best to get out though!

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