8-11-06 Iowa River Walleye Report

  • andyjcraig
    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 390

    Went out in a canoe last night with my girlfriend and did pretty well. 6fow water pitching jig/crawler to a seam. We were set up in the heavy current and casting to the slack water just past the current seem. Got 5 15″ walleyes, one nice white bass, a few little cats and 1 small flathead. No picture worthy fish yet, but there’s gotta be some around.

    Big Sky Country Helena, MT (Adel, IA home)
    Posts: 1160

    Awesome! Sounds like you had quite the night. I can smell them in the frying pan now! What town were you fishing near?

    Doug Bonwell
    Cedar Falls IA
    Posts: 887

    Thanks for keeping the reports coming. I enjoy hearing that the fishing in Iowa rivers is still strong. I’ve been to busy to get out for some time but enjoy reading all the reports.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 390

    wisdom, we were fishing just upstream from my house south of iowa city a few miles. I don’t think you can get up to my house from the south right now. there’s a riffle downstream that’s pretty nasty. All i can say is go upstream from wherever you’re at until you get to a rapids area and then look around below it. I released all the fish from the last two days but i’m thinking about eating a few tonight if i can catch em.

    Waterloo, IA and Hager City Wi.
    Posts: 674

    We’re seeing the same thing, fish in transition areas behind riffles and boulder piles with heavy current, wonder if this is due to elevated oxygen levels in these areas with the oxygen levels being so low w/ no flow, high water temp? Any ideas

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 390

    Sean, I didn’t see this response for some reason so i know it’s late. You have a good point there though. That could be the reason. The eyes have moved out of the spot we were fishing now. I’m looking for them there again when it starts to cool down a bit more. Hopefully, after that they will settle in to the deep hole downstream for the winter. Keep the posts coming. I spend too much time driving to the big river and not enough time on the iowa and cedar in the fall – but that can change.

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