Rainydaze offer to Skeeter Boat Tire Kickers!!

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    OK…….I feel so strongly that my WX2100 dominates Big water like no other fishing boat I want to extend this offer again this season. I have yielded many PM’s, Emails and phone calls about my WX2100 pros and cons. I have decided to give test rides again this season to anyone who has considered a WX series skeeter in “Sho Time” this open water season. Helmets are optional and I know the back channels………Pretty good. Might just cost you a soda at the local resort overlooking VNP!! So if you live close to Rainy Lake and are unable to benefit from the ride and drives down south or are vacationing here at a resort look me up. I’ll take you out for a quick spin in “Sho Time”. As I believe riding is believing and you will thank me someday if you promise to return the favor to someone you know if you jump on the “Skeet Retreat”!!

    Of course due to my guide schedule these rides will have to be evenings mostly, or when I have a day off. Bring the wife!! We all know she’s probably holding the checkbook in the end anyway!! I’ll try help you out.

    Posts: 963

    Ill be up for my test ride first week in June!! Last years boats handled awsome, you had those ponies under reins pretty well, but 50 more will put you at the scary fast level can you handle it I can’t wait!!

    Posts: 556

    I’m already lucky enough to be in a Skeeter 1850, so I know a little bit about what Chris is talking about. But, I’ll for sure be “kickin’ the tires” on that 2100, the first first week of June, as well. Can’t wait! After hearing Sean and Chad talk about a Brule Narrows thrill ride, I think I’m in the market for a helmet.


    Big Stone Lake Sd
    Posts: 257

    I would love a ride! we will be up the end of july, staying at a cabin on Kempton Channel for a week.Do you have a marine radio? If so send me a pm with a channel I can reach you on and we will go from there. Id love to compare the 620 to the WX2100. Skeeter is a very popular boat here in eastern SD, but I have to admit I havent been in one in 15 years.

    Posts: 5660


    Don’t qoute me, but it is my guess that many of the new Skeeter owners were former Ranger boys. My good friends guide out of Ranger Anglers. I like their boats as do they. Really isn’t a matter of liking the boat. Both are pretty darn good on big water. At least one of them is now considering a Skeeter boat. What I personally like in comparison to the Ranger is the deeper hull design allowing for more storage in the front compartments. Seems every year I get more stuff in my boat and love it stowed away up front. I also like the flexability of the back jump seats if you have a bigger group every once in awhile. If you have 4 guys for a day…….You can do it. If not then they fold down like they aren’t even there. Last year I put a post up showing my wife actually being able to get in the smaller starboard side compartment. Now I assure you that did take a little coaxing and reassuring that I’d let her back out!!

    What would probably work best is if you arrive the evening before your trip we can do a test ride. I may very well be down fishing close by, but will have customers likely. The other option would be if either you come back one evening to meet for a burger at Sha Sha resort or on your way back out. Regardless lets try schedule it. Guys simply need to look apples to apples and dollar for dollar when either looking for a new boat today or 3 years down the road.

    Lastly really the 300 Yamaha SHO motor is a gamechanger. I think guys need to saddle that bad boy up for themselves!!

    I’m having guys shoot me PM’s on times. Again…..Might cost you a pop. For me it is a nice way to meet new people also, and hopefully for them it will be a nice way to experience for themselves!!

    Posts: 5660

    Good Morning Mike/Ben!!

    I know it really isn’t even fair to start talking about boat rides let along the Rock gauntlet at 60mph. You need to keep a keen eye on the shorelines for wildlife at that speed!! LOL!!

    Truth of the matter is I usually run about 45mph. Just darn fun to be able to hear the bells go when she bucks!! I wonder if Skeeter makes driving gloves?

    “Whatchya Got in the front compartment up there???……My wife!!” LOL!! What a sport!! When I say she puts up with me…….This is precisely what I’m talking about!! LOL!!

    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    Hello Chris,

    I will be up for my ride in July Sounds like there will be 3 of us. Keep an eye out for our deposit. Man I can’t wait to ride in and fish out of that rocket. I would bring Garrett on the trip but it looks like we could lose him in a storage compartment or live well See ya soon bud.


    Posts: 5660

    LOL!! I think we could keep track of him. I will keep an eye out.

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