Dog Days On Kosh

  • carpking
    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    I have a love, hate relationship with this lake! I decided to fish it this evening, havent been on in it in a few weeks, been fishing elsewhere. The water isnt as algae filled and the temps are down to around 80 degrees. The water level was pretty good even. I trolled a while, then made a drift or two in the river. Took a break to tow a pontoon boat back to its dock, then went back to trolling. Final tally – 1 eye in river, very shallow in next to downed trees with a jig and crawler. Lost a good size northern trolling, bit me off boat side. And speaking of northerns, I saw 3 floaters in the river in front of Riverside Bar. These were 24″ plus northerns. These were fairly fresh dead, pretty beat up, looked almost like they had been in a wire livewell and released dead.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    The river has been quiet this year. Seems like everyone has something to do other than fishing

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    I’m fishing twice as hard and catching half as many! Without starting a huge argument here – I personally think it is water level related!

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    I think we all know which side of the fence we sit regaurding the water level issue CC.

    The water should be up a tad due to the fish ladder going in at the Jefferson dam. Should be done by the end of the month I think they said.
    Speaking of which ( The fish ladder ) if the Walleyes take to using it we could be in for some outstanding fishing in the years to come. I have fished/duck hunted above the dam way upstream a few times in the past and there’s some awesome structure up that way. There’s already Walleyes in Watertown. Has been for years.

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    Hows this for water level on Rock? This is 1/4 mile downstream from my house. Notice the only moving water is the discharge from the sewer plant! River is only about 25 yards wide right now…its really bad! We need some serious rain!

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Looks a little scary CK. Think I will keep to some of the lakes near home.


    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    THAT sucks CK ! It’s not that bad up this way but you better know where your going on the river above Kosh especialy just above the Legion.

    If nothing else, you should have some more water in a couple months when the DNR starts the winter draw down.
    For the life on me I just can’t understand why they could’nt leave well enough alone with the water level. I heard on the news the other day that there are hundreds of dead & dying ducks up to Horican due to botulism from stagant water. Granted I’m no expert but I wonder if the DNR had some water to work with ( to keep somwhat of a flow going ) if that all could have been avoided ? Wonder what the Kosh duck hunters who are in favor of the lower water levels have to say about the dead duck situation in Horicon.
    To be fair , it has been a dry summer but still I wonder what another foot of water might have done.

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 77

    Guys water might be low but the fishing on the river where I fish is the best summer ever. All most every angler that’s know the Blackhawk stretch is taking home nice limits of walleyes. Big fish also which I hope the CPR.

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    I cant keep them pesky 14 inch white bass off my line to catch any walleyes Bola!

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    Shhhhh BOLA !
    My best fish this summer so far is 27 1/2″ from that stretch. CPRd as I don’t keep fish over 20″ as a rule.
    Unfortunately I can’t get out that often due to the work thing.
    This has been a great year for me on the Rock. The spring run was the best I’ve had in many years. Can’t wait to see what the fall fishings gonna be.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020


    How did the move to Hawaii go?

    Any walleye there?

    Heading out this weekend somewhere and every time you mention the fishing it gets me fired up to head to the Rock.


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