Ice Is Coming !!!

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Well guys with this cold snap coming and highs in the 20s and maybe only in the teens it will be making some ice for sure. Once the ice is thick enough to be safe where does everyone plan on ice fishing this year? And what kind of fish are you going after? Thanks, Bill

    Prescott, WI
    Posts: 89

    I am with you Bill. I am really getting pumped up about ice fishing! With 3-4 nights of single digit temperatures ahead it looks very promising. I hope to be able to fish my secret Lake X this weekend for some bull gills, crappies, bass, & walleyes. Can’t wait to turn on the Vexilar & see the display light up with red blips & feel that 1st bite & hook set. I also love the rush of adrenaline you get during a real agressive bite when you are just lowering your ice jig down your hole & you see that large red blip on your Vexilar of a fish racing up to smack it before you get even halfway to the bottom. My favorite ice fishing combo is a small Custom Jigs & Spins Ratso with a pink head & white tail tipped with a waxworm. BRING ON THE HARD WATER!!! Good luck to everyone who ventures out this weekend and PLEASE BE CAREFUL as ice is never safe.


    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    one of my favorite things to do is get a bunch of guys toghether (6-8) and head out to foster arends for a little fishing/hockey combo. we usually set out a bunch of tip-ups with some power bait and play boot hockey while we wait for a flag. what ususally happens is a flag goes up and every one drops there sticks and race for it. it’s really quite entertaining to watch 5 guys racing to a flag on glare ice. friendly brawls occur regularly.

    we do usually wait until there’s more than 2 inches of ice though. it can get a liitle rough at times

    Pillager, MN
    Posts: 621

    Jake – In my younger years my friends and I would play football on the ice with tip ups all around. Good times.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    yeah, we’ve tried football before too. we found that without some nice fluffy snow as a cusion people kept getting hurt. apparently ice is hard . not to mention the extreem deficutly of throwing/catching a football with gloves on .

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    Should be making some ice today!
    Chester Woods and Foster Arends will likely be ready this weekend.
    I hope everyone will post reports on the ice as you have time to check it out.

    Good Fishing,

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2443

    -6 right now!

    Use extreme caution on the ice this weekend! A good ice chisel (spud bar) is recommended to help find out whether the ice is safe.

    Good Fishing,

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