Quick strike rig for trolling 6'' sucker minnows

  • tim hurley
    Posts: 5584

    Lost a few walters last weekend trolling for SMBs because i set the hook right away-want to go for walters this weekend, tend to always set the hook right away (bass guy at heart) Anyone have a good set up (pictures would be good) so I can set the hook right away?

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1644

    I usually do not have any issues getting them to hook up just using a standard 1/0 octopus style hook rigged on a 3way system. I usually hold the rod at 90 degrees. When the fish hits I do not feed line. Just drop the rod back letting it point towards the fish. When he loads it up let him have it! They tend to eat a sucker head first and 6 inch suckers are like candy to them. I know this is not the answer you are or were looking for but think a quick strike or stinger hook would hinder the action and look to your presentation. Sorry if this is no help. We have spent time fishing suckers for big SMB also and have no issues hooking up with walleyes at the same time.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5584

    Thanks! You are probably telling me why nobody has responded-stinger would probably throw things off
    !/0 octopus

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1644

    I use 1/0 best but can use a 2-3/0 depending on size of your suckers. Hook them in the nose and let them swim as natural as you can.. If I use redtails I will pinch the tail fin off so they are not so aggressive but can still live and swim a while. 3 way rigs with a 12 inch drop and 32-36 inch line out to your bait. Works pretty good for us. I use this system for big eyes on the river also but run 5 inch bullheads late may through june.

    1. mille-lacs-smallie-3.jpg

    Ahren Wagner
    Northern ND-MN
    Posts: 410

    Just rig them like normal, just add a stinger hook

    Posts: 756

    In MN if you add that second hook I believe you will need to add a spinner blade to make it legal.

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