
  • SetTheHook
    Posts: 50

    Anyone know what’s happened to Hutch? I haven’t seen a post from him in a long time.


    I think he’s been on Lake Erie most of the Summer.

    Its been very quiet and if anyone else knows drop us a note because to be honest, were not sure either. Sure do miss him though.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    I e-mailed him a couple weeks ago with some questions about ordering some hair jigs, have not recieved a reply. ( I used the email address on his guide service web page). Must be keeping busy somewhere!

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    I talked with Hutch, two weeks ago. And he was leaving for Lake Erie. I think he said he would be back in a month or so.

    Clinton County Iowa
    Posts: 134

    Hutch was going to Lake Erie to guide and planned on being back about the time of the FTR get together.

    Good Fishing.


    Live in Rochester Mn.
    Posts: 117

    Hutch was very sick with a kidney problem for 45 days but is better now. He is fishing Lake Erie for 5 weeks. [Think he’s making up for lost fishing days when sick]. Bill

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