Ontario October Pike

  • doorman
    Posts: 25

    Took a gamble fishing the largest lake in Ontario in October. Got lucky! Low wind and 50 to 60 deg. Temps. Started shallow and only found small Pike. Great for the frying pan but I was looking for some trophy’s. We decided to try rocks, same. Deep weeds, Bingo! The further of shore the better. Found a cabage and coontail bed on a huge Sand flat 200 yards off shore during a good wind and got 5 over 40 biggest 47.

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    Posts: 25

    Also marked some huge schools of bait off deep rock points. Thought we would find some monsters. Wrong. Got a couple 30 inchers and some trout. Beautiful fish but season closed. All still swimming. Trout and Pike

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    Posts: 7348

    bow bow toast toast

    jon amundson
    Posts: 141

    Nipigon? Not sure but that’s some good fishing. Congrats

    Posts: 6259

    Way 2 go lil’ door grin . Did you go out of pasha? Everyone knows thats the best place for the big nip

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