Salmon Offshore

  • mac5
    Posts: 20

    Have the steelhead and salmon been biting along the rivers that connect to Lake Michigan near Manitowoc, WI?

    I’d like to try a new spot offshore. I have heard people say to try by the powerplant and some of the marinas. Being from out of town, I don’t know exactly where those are.

    Any ideas or other spots offshore? I would like to go once this fall w/ my father in law.


    Keith Heberlein
    Two Rivers, WI
    Posts: 338

    The rainbows are still out deep,(see my next post). The 4 year old salmon have moved up river and the last surge my have been the last, as we are not seeing any heavy action along the lake shore any more. Up the rivers has been elbow to elbow with people catching a good number of fish this week, but the action has slowed. The 2 and 3 year old kings and the rainbows have been on a feeding frenzy out in 200 feet of water, we had a number of limit catches this week, but you have to pick and choose the days with the winds kicking up fast and changing conditions.

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