voluntary slot limit

  • Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    A few anglers that fish Menomin on a regular basis were talking about a voluntary slot limit on walleyes. Their concern is almost all of the big fish that are caught are kept. Their proposal was to release everything over 20 inches. What are your thoughts?

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1370

    Well here is my thought. There isn’t any fish under 20 inchs in Menomin Really if I can catch a mess of perch I’m happy but if I’m out for a fish for dinner I may catch a fish over 20 inchs and it may be in the pan. I figure I don’t get out near as much as I used to and a fish or two a year is no biggy.. I also know that if Jackie catchs it it is as good as cooked. Steve

    North Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 459

    I honestly only keep a small percentage of the fish I catch. I like a good fish fry as much as the next person, but I only keep an occasional meal of fish when I go. Of course in the summer time I fish “a lot”. My general rule of thumb, especially on Menomin, is anything over 20″ swims. That is just my own personal rule that I try to follow. I like having a quality fishery like Menomin so close to home. That is why I let the better spawners go. I think many people have the same opinion as Lienie and many of them just don’t get on the water as much as you (Don) or I are able to. If they want to keep any legally caught ‘eye over 20″ that is their right. I personally will continue my practice of selective harvest and allow the more efficient spawners (‘eyes over 20″) go. I guess if you are looking for an answer as to how many of us are willing to follow a voluntary over 20″ slot, my answer is yes I will.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I think voluntary slots are beneficial for all fisheries. Personally, I didn’t see any big ones this year……… Don was hiding them all ………….so my thought is there needs to be more released so more trophy quality fish can develop. A balanced fishery should be able to support some pigs and still have plenty for the “no big deal, occassional keeper” people to have a well deserved, long awaited meal of fresh fish.

    My personal slot, when not truly pursuing a fish fry, is anything successfully hooked and uninjured. I only keep bad hooksets that shred a mouth, gill, or gullet. I figure it’s going to be food either way, might as well be mine. Everything else swims.

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